Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Watchman Report Feb. 17, 2021 "The Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates"









Revealed: Scandal-rocked Lincoln Project donors include Romney's Bain and China-linked Sequoia Capital.

Here's a full list of known celebrities who supported the pedophile-ridden Lincoln Project

Corporate media covered for alleged pedophile Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver


CDC data show coronavirus vaccine has caused 501 deaths and over 11,000 adverse reactions (so far)

Wisconsin doctor suffered miscarriage after covid vaccine, tweeted #VaccinesWork

Covid-19 VACCINE ingredient used for lethal injections on death row

ALERT: He Got Both Shots And NOW HE HAS COVID!


Hidden cam: MI majority leader says Capitol riot a "hoax" because McConnell, GOP "wanted to have a mess"

Man charged with plotting and participating in Capitol incident was former FBI section chief with top-secret security clearance


The Left want society to collapse and destroy the United States of America and ultimately human civilization. They are puppets of the globalist who are pushing depopulation and global genocide.

We need to fight against the insanity of the left-cult who appears to be in charge of most of the institutions of society. They are insane and they will drive the human race to collapse if we let them.

This is what we have to defend ourselves against if we want to survive. Be prepared to reject that and we may have a chance to survive together. 

There's nothing special that's going to happen by March 4th, so don't think that's a magic date where things get solved. (Watchman comment: Friends & patriots remember God is not operating on our human timelines e.g. Nov. 3, Jan. 6, Jan. 20; Kim Clement gave his 2 presidents prophecy in 2004!)

Situation Update, Feb. 15th, 2021 - Wokeism will DESTROY civilization... here's how to stop it before it's too late. Click the link below.


\“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” 



The impeachment failure


Pelosi Announces Independent 9/11-Style Commission to Investigate Capitol Riot


States false vaccine claims


Breaking: Ukrainian MEP Releases Further Biden Tapes


How many thousands of New Yorkers DIED because of this man?? And now there are bipartisan calls for an investigation, 

and possible prosecution of the Gov. Way to go Cuomo! You are TOAST,

Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa admits they hid nursing home data so feds wouldn’t find out


Biden’s town hall with the rainbow boy


“Sleepy Joe” to reward his Rino supporters

45 is back!


“Sleepy Joe’s” dumpster fire



What About Excess Mortality? – Questions For Corbett (video)


Yeshua will ask us this vital question in eternity



Will the radical left reunite the




Your Watchman is adopted, I believe if a couple adopts Yeshua will bless that family.


Who really cares if Obama smokes cigarettes?

Obama Caught Buying Cigarettes! Reggie Brown video



Missing 411 & David Paulides present the case of Chance Englebart, missing from Gering, Nebraska.



Elon Musk needs huge mounts of silver & the rules for owning paper Silver have changed

984 Bitcoins for a Tesla

Bitcoin, Tesla and Silver




3D printing company working with Pentagon to develop metal printing machine for military to print gear and vehicle parts on site


Democrat’s Blue Dog Coalition Endorses Legislation to Combat Domestic Threats



Proof of alien ships? "Cryptic bursts" of gamma-ray light from distant galaxies have an unexplained and "odd" symmetry


Doctrine of lesser magistrates




Have you been watching with dismay as your personal, God-given, Constitutionally- protected freedoms and safeguards are disappearing with both Ohio  governor mandates and Biden administration Executive Orders?  Many are asking if there is anything that can be done to stop this assault.  The answer is a resounding YES!  It’s a tool our Founding Fathers gave us called the “Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates” which includes the principles of “nullification” and “interposition.”


·        Nullification – the act of making something void; the action of a State in abrogating [abolishing] a federal law on the basis of State sovereignty. (Black’s Law Dictionary)

·        Interposition – the action of a State while exercising its sovereignty in rejecting a federal mandate that it believes is Unconstitutional or overreaching. (BLD – above)


These tools are the essence of LOCAL control through lawful authority. Our American government was established as a bottom-up authority structure, NOT a top-down. The doctrine of the lesser magistrates provides the simplest and quickest means to rein in a higher authority that has spurned its limitations, whether it be Federal, State or Local.  It’s rooted in scripture and found throughout history.

For example, Ohio and most of this nation has found itself in dire financial, health and emotional turmoil due to government mandates and decrees: forcing lockdowns of businesses, schools, churches, and curtailing even family functions – weddings, funerals, visiting your loved ones in nursing homes. Personal health care decisions have been made for us:  wear a face mask, stay six feet apart, take a vaccination if you want to keep you job. 


Here’s the truth:  MANDATES OR DECREES FROM ELECTED OFFICIALS OR UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS ARE NOT LAW. Law is made only by elected legislative bodies. Mandates and decrees carry no force of law, no legal authority. Here is where the application of the doctrine of lesser magistrate kicks in: When such illegal “mandates” are issued we the people are under no obligation to obey them. Any lesser magistrate, such as a county sheriff, township trustee, city council member, etc., has the responsibility to protect citizens by using their authority – under the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate - TO PROTECT CITIZENS BY NULLIFYING OR NOT ENFORCING ANY AND ALL ILLEGAL MANDATES.  It is part of their oath of office, what they promise before God.

No paperwork is required, though they can write resolutions.  No lawsuits need to be filed, though they can if they want to make a legal precedent.  Simply standing up and SAYING NO to enforcing these illegal mandates that strip American citizens of their God-given freedom to work, to worship, to go to school, to make your own personal health decisions. The problem is that few elected officials are aware of this authority structure, and their lawful responsibility to uphold it. Now that you know this powerful truth, what can you do with it?

·        Purchase the Matthew Trewhella book - Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate   

·        Purchase the CD – Author’s 35-minute Testimony to Montana State Legislators


In other words, educate yourself, then educate your friends and community leaders who want their lives back!  Here are just a few places and ways to do so:

Private Citizens & Local Business Owners

A business owner in Troy knew she would lose everything she owned if she was forced to keep her business closed.  She spoke to her fellow business owners and invited them to a meeting to re-open against the Governor’s mandates.  They invited the Sheriff and the Mayor. They explained the doctrine of the lesser magistrate and the duty to NULLIFY illegal mandates and declared their intent to re-open their businesses.  The Sheriff and Mayor both supported the law, once they knew it, and many Troy businesses are open again.  One person having one meeting began the restoration process of their freedoms.

Local Government Meetings

Attend local government meetings – city council, township trustees, county commissioners, school boards.  DO NOT GO ALONE.  Take two or three friends with you who understand this principle. Bring a copy of the Lesser Magistrate book and/or CD with you.  When time is allotted for audience/citizen input briefly educate your local officials on this principle of the lesser magistrate, illegal mandates, and THEIR DUTY TO PROTECT CITIZENS’ GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS by nullifying Unconstitutional relation to these shutdowns. 

(Also see section on Mandated Face Masks for specific Ohio law violations.)

But don’t just present them with information. Now that they know the law, they are accountable to it: ASK THEM SPECIFIC QUESTIONS as to how they plan to obey the law and get local businesses and schools and churches open again and allow individuals to make their own personal health decisions.  For example:

“When you were elected to office, you took an oath before God to defend the Ohio and U.S. Constitutions. Now that you know these [governor/health director, etc.] mandates are not law, but actually violate the law, what are your plans to restore your citizens freedoms, to allow them to choose whether or not to re-open their businesses, churches, and schools?  I’m giving you the remainder of my time to answer this.  Please be specific.”


Next person does not have to explain the Lesser Magistrate doctrine, but can go directly to their question – “What is your plan to restore citizens’ rights to make their own personal health choices – whether or not to wear face masks, social distance, take vaccinations, limit their customers, etc.? I yield my three minutes for you to answer.  Please be specific.”

Questions for your Sheriff

Do you consider yourself to be a Constitutional Sheriff?  Are you familiar with the CSPOA (Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association)?


If the current administration issues an Executive Order that they are going to confiscate any  legally owned firearms and that they will go door-to-door if necessary, and they will solicit the help of all the police departments in every state, and the county Sheriff’s offices, will you stop that? 

He may (hopefully) say, “Well, I won’t do that.”  Your response should be to politely, but firmly, press the point further:

No, I didn’t ask that.  I asked will you stop that?  Will you stand and interpose and protect us from gun confiscation that violates my rights under the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution?

Depending on the answer, you can share information about the doctrine of the lesser magistrate, nullification, and interposition. You can share your book, your CD, or you could advise him of CSPOA training for all law enforcement officers so they know how to do their jobs effectively and lawfully.  CSPOA trainings are open to the public, but are designed especially for public officials and particularly law enforcement, and cover such critical topics as gun confiscation, but also relate to other rights; i.e. enforcing mandated personal health decisions or business closures/limitations.  

Sample questions to determine your sheriff’s understanding of these type decisions:

Will you enforce mask laws?  Will you enforce mandated vaccinations? Will you enforce shutting down businesses?

Mandated Face Masks – Know the Law!

Be prepared with some legal back-up data.  One example:

In the state of Ohio, face masks are regulated as a medical device.  Even just recommending that someone wear a regulated medical device (mask) is the unlicensed practice of medicine.  According to ORC (Ohio Revised Code) 4731.41 and 4731.34, this violation is a 5th degree felony.  Even under licensed medical care, a person still has the right to choose whether to wear that device or not.

Forcing a customer to wear a mask to enter your business is illegal under the Federal Civil Rights Law, Title II, which requires that as a place of public accommodation, your business must provide free and equal access to all services and facilities, without discrimination.  The ORC 4112.02 further prohibits you from preventing entry [without a face mask] to the full enjoyment of this business establishment, as no law has been broken.


Medical Facts - Face masks pose their own risk, not the least of which is hypoxia (low oxygen levels affecting all body functions) which studies have shown is associated with impaired immunity.  Face masks also provide a warm, moist environment that is the perfect breeding ground for COVID as well as a host of other bacteria and viruses. 


Serious Question:  Where is the pandemic if 99.8% of people who get sick, also recover?  Why were other recent pandemics like SARS and MERS (both coronaviruses that reached the U. S. in 2017 and 2014, respectively, and were transmitted the same way!) never declared an “emergency” when these highly contagious diseases had a much higher mortality (death) rate?  Personal health decisions are just that – personal – and cannot be mandated by law.




Businesses open to the public

·       A private business that is open to the public is legally defined as a place of public accommodation.

·        This means the public has a right to use a business.


Federal Civil Rights law, Title II, requires that a place of public accommodation, a business must provide free and equal access to all services and facilities WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION.

A private business can create any “policy” that they want but will also be liable for any damages caused to the public as a result.

Since CDC guidelines and County Health Department Director’s Orders are not law, when challenged, courts have determined that businesses cannot be subject to fines because they have not broken any laws.

What if you are accused of Trespassing & Mask Mandate violations?

·        You will need evidence to chare someone in a public place with “trespassing.”

·        Evidence is clearly defined in 29 CFR 1630.15(b)(2) and (r) (CFR is Code of Federal Regulations)

·        You cannot have a policy that sounds like it applies to everyone, but really just excludes one particular group of people.

·        Law Enforcement cannot enforce store policy that is contrary to State law.

·        Law Enforcement should instead be protecting the Civil Rights of the public.


When Businesses learn they cannot enforce mask mandates, they have turned to calling Law Enforcement and demanding that patrons be charged with trespassing or disorderly conduct.  Here are some questions you should ask business owners and Law Enforcement:

·        Is there any evidence of a violation of any law?

·        Can Law Enforcement cite someone that has not committed any crime?

·        Under what statute is refusing to follow a Health Department Order a crime?

·        Do you have any evidence of behavior that would justify asking me to leave a place of public accommodation?

·        Shouldn’t Law Enforcement be enforcing Federal and Local Civil Rights laws rather than store policies, based on the Health Department orders?

·        Does the business have any “duty of care” in accordance with premises liability laws and is that care documented in their store policy?

·        Is there any evidence of a threat other than refusing to follow a store mask policy?

No shoes, no shirt, no service is not the same kind of business policy as mask mandates.  Section 201(h) of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act defines a face mask as a “medical device.”  Some religions require face masks, but you cannot refuse service to a patron simply because store policy is attempting to dictate their religion.

Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 4112.02 describes unlawful discriminatory practice which prohibits you from preventing entry to the full enjoyment of a business establishment.  These Civil Rights Laws are designed to protect the public from being charged with “trespass” to cover for a desire to discriminate.

Because these are laws, Law Enforcement is obligated to enforce them, but not your store policy.

I need a Doctor’s approval to not wear a mask?  Are you a Doctor?

·        It is ILLEGAL for you or another employee to require someone to wear a mask.

·        What Law or Court Order delegates to you the task of protecting the public known as a “duty of care”?


When you are told by a manager that their policy requires that you have a “doctor’s note” to exercise your right to use a place of public accommodation, you should ask the following questions:

·        What physician’s approval do you have to prescribe masks?

·        What court order has authorized you to prescribe medical devices such as masks?

·        What court order or evidence establishes that I am any threat to you, your business, your customers, or your employees?

·        What court order imposes any control measure upon me?

·        What law requires a “duty of care” on your business regarding any risk that is widely known to everyone in the community?

What would a “reasonable person think”?  Things that make you…huh?

·        If there is a massive number of Covid-19 deaths, why are the death rates lower this year (2020)?

·        What happened to the 2020 influenza deaths?

·        Shouldn’t we ask these basic questions before locking down the public.

·        Government claims that there is a pandemic, or public health emergency, is not a legal defense for violating the law and civil rights.

Courts make many decisions using the test of what “a reasonable person” would do/think/feel under certain circumstances.  What if we apply that same legal standard to this “pandemic”?

Why is the total mortality rate (total deaths) in 2020 less than the three preceding years (2019, 2018, 2017) if the Covid-19 death rate is so high?

Why were other diseases like Tuberculosis never declared an “emergency” when this highly contagious disease has a much higher mortality rate?

If the same people declaring a “public health emergency” have been doing that for a full year, isn’t it time to conclude that governments and public policies cannot solve the alleged “emergency”?  Shouldn’t they also stop taking money for pushing this narrative?

Where is the pandemic if 99.8% of people that get sick, also recover?


Store Policy can’t change law

·        Store policy does not make an action legal which is otherwise unlawful.

·        Forcing a customer to wear a mask in order to enter your business is illegal.

There are actions that are illegal.  Stealing someone’s wallet when they enter the business is a crime.  Adding that action to your store policy does not make it legal.  Robbing banks is still illegal, even if it is store policy. 

Assaulting someone is still illegal even if is store policy.  Store policy does not make an action legal which is otherwise unlawful.  NO MASK/NO SERVICE IS AN ILLEGAL POLICY.

Forcing a customer to wear a mask to enter your business is illegal for three reasons:

·        The public has a right to use your business.

·        You must be a Doctor to prescribe medical advice or devices (masks).

·        You must be Law Enforcement to enforce laws.

The Law and Discrimination

Federal Civil Rights Law, Title II, requires that as a place of public accommodation, your business provide free and equal access to all services and facilities WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION. The Ohio Law, ORC 4112.02 further prohibits you from preventing entry (without a face mask) to the full enjoyment of this business establishment.

These laws protect the public from discrimination.  You cannot refuse a person access to your business (trespass) because they are black, or Asian, or a woman.  You cannot force someone out of your business because they are Jewish or a Buddhist.  You also cannot deny service to someone because they won’t follow a specific religion, specifically one that requires a face covering.

Is your mask policy just superstition?

If your masking policy were based on science, that policy would certainly cite the evidence of the effectiveness of masking health people, in public settings, to prevent the spread of the Sars-Cov2 virus.  Absent that evidence, mask policies are nothing more than superstitious religious practices.  Does your policy cite scientific evidence, or does it refer to some agency (“order”), that refers to yet another agency recommendation for its authority?

Are your employees Medical Doctors?  Are you a Doctor?

·        It is ILLEGAL for you or another employee to require someone to wear a mask or to take someone’s temperature. 

Are you or your employees licensed to practice medicine?  Face masks are regulated as a medical device in the State of Ohio.  Even just recommending that someone wear a regulated medical device (mask) is the unlicensed practice of medicine.  According to ORC 4731.41 and 4731.34, this violation carries the penalty of felony of the 5th degree.

Even when a licensed medical Doctor who has examined a person and recommended a medical device, the person still has the right to choose whether to wear that device or not.

Gathering vital statistics such as a patron’s temperature without their consent is a violation of the 4th Amendment of the U. S. Constitution which protects a person’s right to privacy.

Are your employees Law Enforcement?  Are you a Police Officer?

·        It is illegal for you or another employee to block someone’s entry to your establishment.

·        It is illegal for you or another employee to attempt to enforce local ordinances.

United States federal law protects consumers from discriminatory practices. Title II requires that as a place of public accommodation no person may be prevented entry when this establishment is open to the public.

Unless you are a law enforcement officer, you have no authority to enforce laws or ordinances.  ORC 2921.51 carries the penalty of misdemeanor of the 4th degree if you attempt to impersonate a Law Enforcement Officer.  You are not legally authorized to write traffic tickets, arrest bank robbers, or enforce health department ordinances, even if it written into your store policy.

Attempting to prevent someone’s entry to this establishment that is a place of public accommodation, or to restrict, detain or confine their movement constitutes Unlawful Restraint under ORC 2905.03, 2917.11, 2927.12.

Neither you nor an employee may prevent the lawful entry of a patron.

Regardless of the mask status, attempting to prevent the entry of a patron to your business establishment is a violation of an implied and irrevocable license that this business has granted to the public.

·        No Government official has the legal authority to tell you what to wear, what to say, or who to worship even if THEY believe it is your best interest.

NOTE: The information contained in this document was taken from  and was also used as a handout at an Ohio Stands Up event.  February 2021


Nullification stops gun control


Antimicrobial resistance up in animals raised for human consumption, warns study



Can natural selection bring about a new species?


Former UN ambassador calls Biden's first seven days as president "a good first week for Russia"


Chinese police violently disperse peaceful protesters in Chengdu

"There will be war" if China and US do not immediately stabilize relations, warns Chinese scholar

The CCP’s Agenda in Kashmir

Free World Should Draw ‘Red Line’ Against Communist China: Former Pompeo Adviser


Watchman, Has Dave Hodges pushed the envelope too far . . . .  gone off the deep end - ?  . . . .A 

Satan's Archangel, Bill Gates, Is Preparing the Final Assault Upon All of Humanity | The Common Sense Show

Watchman, Last week, the CDC released a study suggesting that people should now be wearing TWO masks instead of one. The exact advice was to “wear a disposable mask under your favorite cloth mask.”

Masking is now mandatory on federal property and on domestic and international transportation. 

What about the health risks of constant mask use?..........................R


Looking forward to the reign of Christ


Big Tech’s Flawed Defence 


Greener materials: Scientists use algae to make light carbon fibers that are as hard as steel

The Year of No Science 


Bombshell: Media, big business, and political establishment colluded to rig 2020 election


As society suffers, Big Pharma gets stronger and wealthier


The leftists won’t stop targeting DJT!


The satanic half time show


Biden wants tougher gun laws.


No surprise, elites are out of touch with America.



Oregon Promotes Teacher Training Program to ‘Dismantle Racism in Mathematics’


And still the champeen of the world!


Oswald was not the only employee missing from the TSD after Kennedy was shot. 15 employees were missing; why did the authorities focus on Oswald?

Also Walter Cronkite reported 3 shots were fired. How did Cronkite know 3 shots were fired?  It seems to me information was being deliberately planted about the JFK “false flag”. 

The Oswald timeline: the road to the Texas Theater


THE EVIDENCE: The irrefutable Data being hidden by Corp media


American cities were unprepared for financial fallout from coronavirus shutdowns

How Bill Gates and the WHO crushed Hydroxychloroquine 

How to Save Your Marriage From Virus Lockdown Stress, With Kimberly Holmes | Crossroads


CDC Weekly Flu Reports at this link.

The best starting point for the other questions is the government's Center for Disease Control (CDC) which is the legal authority along with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, when you do your own research of their legal definitions and legal statistics be prepared to be educated as it does not match corporate media and the political rhetoric you hear and see along some odd statements by government public health officials.  Again, do your own research then make your own informed decisions as all diseases can be deadly including the common coronavirus cold.

CDC says Covid 19 includes “at least two of the following symptoms: fever (measured or subjective), chills, rigors, myalgia, headache, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, congestion or runny nose, OR any one of the following symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, new olfactory disorder, new taste disorder, OR Severe respiratory illness with at least one of the following: Clinical or radiographic evidence of pneumonia, Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).”  Hence, the yearly influenza outbreaks that unfortunately kill tens of thousands of vulnerable Americans are classified as Covid-19 by the government.

SARS-CoV-2 the actual coronavirus that is six percent (6%) of Covid-19 deaths is included per the CDC symptoms definition of Covid-19 entered in official government reports.  BTW, it is the 'report' not the press release or talking points that goes into the courtroom.

mRNA gene therapy per Pfizer's and Moderna's own words in the FDA 'authorization' submittal, is different than a vector vaccine like your shots at school or the doctor's office.  And emergency "authorization" is very different than 'approval' from the FDA.  Given the severity of SARS-CoV-2 on seniors (75 plus) get educated yourself.  Read all the CDC data on who should and should not get mRNA shots.  Then read all available medical data on SARS-CoV-2 as death can literally be in the details.  Many people will want the mRNA shot, and many will not.  Welcome to free choice. 

With no further comments as the Legislature is cancelled this week, below is this week’s clips from fellow Oregonians:

Title: No money? Oregon Democrats do not care. Prepare for more taxes.

COVID-19 in Oregon

In July 2020, the CDC called for American schools to reopen in the upcoming fall. In February 2021, the CDC again called to reopen schools saying they can reopen safelywithout vaccinating teachers.

It will be even longer before more Oregon kids are in the classroom.

  • On February 9, press secretary Jen Psaki walked back Biden’s promise to open schools in first 100-days: ‘Some teaching in classrooms at least one day per week’

Governor Kate Brown moved the goal posts from a February 15 start date to an unspecified time in the “spring”. Teachers unions across the country are using extortion to get vaccinations. Countless children have been sacrificed because adults are afraid.

  • School districts and unions do not let hypocrisy stand in their way of making money. They tell teachers it is still unsafe to come into schools while simultaneously offering in-person childcare this entire time in the very schools they closed... for a steep fee of $1,000 a month for parents that can afford it.

As a result of these decisions, how many elderly Oregonians did the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Governor Brown and the teachers unions kill because of their vaccine prioritizations? This is not the teachers’ fault – it is the union. The union exists to serve the interests of the union. If they are not opening, vaccinations should be immediately redirected to the elderly and most vulnerable.

From the Oregonian: “Gov. Kate Brown’s office issued more word salad this week as it pertains to clearing kids to play sports. I can only surmise that those in charge haven’t spent much time communicating with high school kids who are frustrated, depressed and feeling as though they don’t matter to our state leaders.” Oregon students continue to be sacrificed because teachers unions don’t want schools to reopen. Families that can afford to move to a different state that has the freedoms to attend school and play sports should move. But what does this attitude say to Oregon students that have worked and trained to be the best at their sports?

Oregon children and their wellbeing have been sacrificed on the altar of fear. Adults are making children suffer so they, the adults, feel safer. This is the exact opposite of how society should work.

  • New York Post opinion: “Our society has abandoned [children] and treated them as disposable. The damage caused by this abandonment is incalculable, and compounding every day we allow inertia, irrationality and the craven priorities of teachers unions to rule our decision-making.”

Gov. Brown and OHA have abandoned the “science” and are taking cues from the federal government. OHA is saying 70-90% of Oregonians will need to be vaccinated to get back to “normal”. Fauci said 70-85% of Americans will need to be vaccinated by the end of summer 2021 to get back to a “degree of normality”. When will Americans see they are being used in the quest for power?

How crazy is this? Schools are still closed for most students, but Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington counties can start reopening restaurants for indoor dining, but Marion and Polk Counties cannot. Could it have anything to do with the Salem Capitol being in Marion County and Democrats want to keep the people locked out?

Influenza like illness (ILI) are defying yearly trends and significantly down in Oregon. New Mexico, also with one of the strictest lockdowns, is reporting similar numbers.


The mainstream media and World Health Organization (WHO) are working together to change the truth by now claiming that COVID-19 did not start in a Chinese lab, but came from an animal.

  • January 14, 2020 tweet by WHO: “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus.”
  • January 30, 2020 the WHO meeting praised China for its response to COVID-19. For example, “The Committee welcomed the leadership and political commitment of the very highest levels of Chinese government, their commitment to transparency, and the efforts made to investigate and contain the current outbreak.”
  • February 16, 2020 CNN reports China blocked Taiwan’s access to the WHO and further comments by WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cheering for China: "…we are giving qualified recognition and actually my call is, please, let's recognize as a world, as a globe what China is doing and help them and show solidarity."
  • March 12, 2020 Reuters reported on WHO Director’s background: “Weeks after the new coronavirus emerged in China, he flew to Beijing, returning with lavish praise for the Chinese leadership’s commitment to fighting the disease through drastic lockdowns and other measures.”
  • April 8, 2020 Fox News reports comments by WHO leader: ‘“If you don’t want many more body bags you refrain from politicizing it.’
  • April 8, 2020 CNN reports that US intelligence officials were warned as far back as late Novemberthat COVID-19 was spreading through China’s Wuhan region and that it was posing a threat to the Chinese daily lives.
  • April 12, 2020 the Atlantic reports on how China deceived the WHO.
  • April 16, 2020 Fox News reportsthe Wuhan Institute of Virology, a top-secret Chines laboratory is under intense scrutiny for not following safety protocols in tandem with its dangerous research on bats and coronaviruses. ‘"The head of the WHO has stated many times that there is no evidence that the new coronavirus originated in the laboratory," Zhao Lijian said. "Many prominent medical experts in the world also believe that the so-called laboratory leaks have no scientific basis."’
  • May 4, 2020. Officials believe China covered up the extent of the COVID-19 outbreakto hoard medical supplies, leaked intelligence documents show.
  • May 18, 2020 NBC News: China gave $2 billion to the World Health Organization to “deal with the COVID-19 crisis”
  • May 18, 2020 NPR screenshot of then President Trump’s letter to the WHO on freezing funding.
  • September 15, 2020 Tucker Carlson interviewed top Chinese virologist and whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan about her claims that the Chinese government intentionally manufactured and released the COVID-19 virus

Considering the above timeline and the partnership with China, why should Americans trust what the WHO says about the origins of COVID-19?

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