Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Watchman Report Feb. 11, 2021 "A Glimpse Into Our Future"


The US seems to be blindly walking towards a steep cliff that will assure a future collapse. The current Leftist agenda is in the process of being implemented to reach their goal of a Progressive Utopia. Open borders, termination of ICE, free medical care, free housing, free education, felons voting, non-citizen voting, federal jobs for all, packing the Supreme Court, statehood for DC and Puerto Rico are all on the table and intended to assure that the left has a permanent lock on power.

If things play out as planned, the future of the US could unfold as follows:

- Biden dies in office or is placed in assisted living for the cognitively impaired.
- President Harris chooses 30 year old AOC as her VP. Constitutional age requirement to become President reduced from 35 to 21.
- Hard left progressives / radical socialists become the majority faction inside the Democratic Party. All branches of the Federal Gov’t now run by radical socialists.
- The Supreme Court is packed with 12 members. 8 are socialist radicals.
- President Harris proclaims to America “this is workin real good” during her first State of the Union address.
- Voting age dropped to 16.
-  U.S announces open borders. 30 million people immediately arrive from around the world. Most have no skills, education or money but sport a long rap sheet.
- Federal income taxes are increased to support new “citizens”. An Executive Order is issued giving non- citizens the right to vote.
- A sympathetic Congress passes a law formally allowing non-citizen voting.
- Free medical care for all passes in Congress. Results in a 7 year wait for heart surgery. Most die waiting which saves gov’t money. Socialist gov’t deems free medical a success costing the US little money.
- Federal Government takes over all student private debt. Cost: $ 2 trillion.
- California, New York, Illinois, and New Jersey file for Bankruptcy. President Harris commits to keep them afloat with confiscated narco dollars and drug tax revenue.
- 100 million additional people arrive when Free Housing is announced.
- Radicalized Democratic base swells by millions assuring Socialist control of US forever.
- US stops all support for Israel. Withdraws from NATO. Markets crash.
- Socialists increase tax on wealthy to 90%. Tax on middle class increases to 60%.
- Free College extended to free advanced degrees and a “professional student class emerges”. Federal Gov’t pays salary to those enrolled in Liberal Arts. Engineering disbanded and labeled non-essential.
- Population of California tops 100 million. Official state language changed to Spanish.
- The Green New Deal is implemented collapsing entire US industries such as petrochemical and aviation. Pornography passes Social Media as biggest US industry.
- Federal jobs guaranteed to all applicants with a pulse.
- Massive increases in US government spending are required to respond to climate change and economic inequality. Modern Monetary Theory unveiled. Federal Debt and annual budget deficit don’t matter. Annual deficit pegged at $30 trillion.
- US inflation now at 1,000,000 % annually. US Government” unemployment reaches 55 %. Savings of seniors is wiped out. US dollars falls in value below that of Mexican peso.
- Federal government takes controls of agricultural markets and sets prices below production costs. Farmers forced to work at a loss to avoid mass starvation.
- Farming ultimately crashes and imported food from Brazil is distributed by Federal government exclusively.
- President Harris announces “if you do not support us you do not eat”.
- Marijuana is given free to everyone including schools to make citizens docile.
- National IQ continues 15 year decline but at new record rate. Drug, malnutrition, and main stream media induced average IQ now 81.
- US GDP drops from 25 Trillion to below 1.6 Trillion. Now lower than that of Bulgaria.
- US legalizes all drugs to raise tax revenue. Drug addiction grips the nation but drug tax revenue goes up. Program hailed as a success by Washington DC hucksters.
- Crime becomes rampant. Murder rates rise 20 fold in ten years. Chicago passes Karachi, Pakistan as murder Capitol of the world.
- People try to flee US. Canadian “WALL” blocks American refugees from crossing the border into Canada. Mexican Gov’t builds a “southern wall “ to keep US citizens locked “inside” America.
- AOC elected President in landslide securing 100 percent of electoral vote. Popular vote exceeds 535 million, more than known US total population.
- US collapses into non-nation status.
- Federal Gov’t dissolves US military selling all Navy ships, Air Force jets, and military bases. Russia and China purchase military hardware at 5% of cost.
- Federal Gov’t outsources US defense to China to save money.
- America becomes a feudal society as all production and security collapses. People become serfs for powerful warlords to gain protection / food.
- Unable to repay China our $450 Trillion debt, US Socialist Government cedes land in a debt swap. China takes over administrative control of continental US.
- Extreme violence used to impose law and order in outlaw North American territory. Cannibalism outlawed in California.
- Chinese begin forced mass immigration to North America resulting in an unprecedented increase in average IQ.
- American prosperity shows signs of a rebound as manufacturing of pet toys and select arts and crafts accelerates. US becomes a protectorate of China.
- Money finally invested in crumbling infrastructure. Detroit turned into a museum to remind citizens of what societal collapse can result in.

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