Thursday, January 7, 2021

Watchman Report Jan. 7, 2021 "Pedophilia Blog"











Lin Wood shares what is on Hunter Biden’s laptop & John Podesta’s laptop. If President Trump orders the military to seize documents, Chief Justice Roberts, Nancy Pelosi, & others will be immediately arrested. Documents must be seized before they are destroyed. Time is of the essence if this part of the Kraken is to be successful.


Lin Wood discusses the whereabouts of Jeffrey Epstein, the betrayal in The White House, reasons that V.P Mike Pence might not be on our team, the truth about the false COVID-19 models, the truth about the 2020 election fraud, Sidney Powell’s 270 election fraud report, the envelopes from George H.W. Bush’s funeral & more


Lin Wood shares why NOW is time to shine a light of truth on Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Stephen Breyer, Joe Biden, Obama, Clintons, Bill Gates, Mike Pence, Mark Meadows, Pat Cippoloni, President H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush & George Soros.


All credit for this video goes to Thrive Time Radio Show ... Join Lin Wood (The People's Lawyer) Exposing the Truth about what's really going on behind the scenes!


Recently a Fireside Chat interview with Lin Wood was done on ThrivetimeShow. This interview was absolutely explosive and amazing! These are highlights from the interview I put together. Link to the entire interview:


Recently a Fireside Chat interview with Lin Wood was done on ThrivetimeShow. This interview was absolutely explosive and amazing! These are highlights from the interview I put together. Link to the entire interview:


Evidence against Chief Justice Roberts put in 3rd party custody; Lin Wood’s most important message



The new President of the USA is named ADAM. He is the first President of the country of the united states of America. He is awesome and I just met his wife who is probably one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. Her eyes are amazing. Adam will be President until we can have a legal election. They are from Agartha the most populated country of Earth with 39.7 Billion citizens. It is also the most advanced and has it's own star. 1162 Earthian members of the DARPA / CIA CHILD TRAFFICKING OPERATION have been arrested.


The Temporals of the Senate have attempted to kill me today after I posted a list of 44 of them that raped and murdered at the Langley VA MILAB so I decided to share a list of all Senators that are involved in MILAB Child Trafficking. When I was abducted and taken to the MILABS, I was raped by each and every male on this list, so I am far more than an eye witness. Including Rand Paul who raped me three times. I am sorry for those to continue to worship them, but they are due to be arrested soon. The R stands for # of children raped and the M is for how many they have killed. SENATORS WHO RAPE AND MURDER CHILDREN LISA MURKOWSKI M 3 children. DANIEL SULLIVAN R 107 M 3, JEFF SESSIONS R 76 M7, RICHARD C SHELBY R 118 M 14, JOHN BOOZMAN R 87 M 3, JEFF FLAKE R 54 M 2, TOM COTTON R 18 M 2, JOHN McCAIN [arrested] R 136 M 39, BARBARA BOXER M 1, DIANE FEINSTEIN M17, MICHAEL F BENNETT R 82 M 4, CORY GARDNER R 51 M 2, RICHARD BLUMENTHAL R 64 M 3, CHRISTOPHER MURPHY R 62 M 4, THOMAS R CARPER R 18 M 1, CHRISTOPHER A COONS R 57 M 4, BILL NELSON R 42 M 3, MARCO RUBIO R 157 M 17, JOHNNY ISAKSON R 76 M 14, DAVID PERDUE R 17 M 1, BRIAN SCHATZ R 77 M 6, JONI EARNST M 2, CHUCK GRASSLEY R 101 M 14, MIKE CRAPO R 66 M 7, JAMES E RISCH R 75 M 6, RICHARD J DURBIN R 57 M 2, MARK KIRK R 66 K2, DANIEL COATS R 19 M 3, JOE DONNELLY R 17 M 3, JERRY MORAN R 66 M 4, PAT ROBERTS R 69 M 3, MITCH McCONNELL R 156 M 17, RAND PAUL R 22 M 2, BILL CASSIDY R 46 M 3, DAVID VITTER R 18 M 1, EDWARD J MARKEY R 66 M 7, ELIZABETH WARREN M 8, BENJAMIN L CARDIN R 86 M 14, SUSAN M COLLINS M 1, ANGUS S KIN JR R 18 M 1, GARY PETERS R 68 M 6, DEBBIE STABENOW M 1, AL FRANKEN R 16 M 1, ROY BLUNT R 77 M 13, THAD COCHRAN R 61 M 10, RODGER WICKER R 156 M 17, STEVE DAINES R 17 M 1, JOHN TESTER R 56 M 3, RICHARD BURR R 77 M 14, THOM TILLIS R 64 M 3, HEIDI HEITKAMP M 1, JOHN HOEVEN R 42 M 3, BENN SASSE R 27 M 1, CORY A BOOKER R 68 M 2, ROBERT MENENDEZ R 46 M 1, MARTIN HEINRICH R 74 M 4, TOM UDALL R 26 M 1, DEAN HELLER R 65 M 3, HARRY REID R 129 M 7, CHARLES E SCHUMER R 177 M 14, SHERROD BROWN R 17 M 1, ROB PORTMAN R 78 M 3, JAMES M INHOFE R 17 M 1, JAMES LANKFORD R 56 M 3, JEFF MERKLEY R 44 M 2, JOHN WYDEN R 43 M 1, ROBERT P CASEY JR R 77 M 3, PATRICK J TOOMEY R 53 M 2, JACK REED R 4 M 3, SHELDON WHITEHOUSE R 17 M 1, LINDSEY GRAHAM R 177 M 15, TOM SCOTT R 3 M 1, MIKE ROUNDS R 54 M 7, JOHN THUNE R 128 M 14, LAMAR ALEXANDER R 57 M 3, JOHN CORKER R 157 M 17, TED CRUZ R 330 M 26, ORIN HATCH R 428 M 52, MIKE LEE R 19 M 1, TIM KAINE R 26 M 2, MARK WARNER R 58 M 3, PATRICK J LEAHY R 177 M 14, BERNARD SANDERS R 218 M 18, RON JOHNSON R 66 M 3, SHELLY MOORE CAPITO M 3, JOHN MANCHIN III R 118 M 10, MICHAEL ENZI R 12 M 1. All "females"on this list have been killed and their bodies have been inhabited by Reptilian Nazi war criminal spirits. All Senators on this list are former Nazi war criminals, including the ones pretending to be Jewish. The real Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein and Lisa Murkowski are currently in Heaven. All the other females were recycled into new lifetimes, mostly in Asia. This list is as of 15th of January, 2016 

The Indiana Attorney General's office is celebrating today as they have just assisted in the gang rapes and murders of 14 more children. Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller raped two more children today a 6 yr old girl and the 8 yr old boy murdered by Mike Pence. This 8yr old boy was raped 81 times and choked to death at the same moment Pence ejaculated into his body. 

I wanted to do a video of the reason why I am trying to get this child trafficking operation closed down. At the Arlington MILAB I was raped by 7 men and 54 children were murdered that night. Another time I was raped while they murdered 16 children. I have been raped alongside children a total of 32 times in 14 MILABS. Let's close down this horrible operation thank you 

Barack Obama Joe Biden the new attorney general and the new director of the CIA raped and murdered 4 girls in the basement of the White House. Obama murdered a 7 year old girl Joe Biden murdered a 9 year old girl the new attorney general raped and murdered a 10 year old girl and the CIA director murdered a 9 year old girl. The children were brought to America by the Air Force. 

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered by clone #12 of John Brennan who killed Scalia with a stun gun hit directly to the heart. Brennan was in his Temporal body at the time, and used the same gun he used to kill Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Paul Walker, Karen Carpenter, Robin Williams and many others. Scalia, a servant of the dark side, was killed because he refused to submit to a new CIA law. And so it goes, even those who serve the dark side are only one decision away from being killed. 

MI, NE Ohio [by Akron near Tallmadge,OH], Pittsburg and Philadelphia PA, Raleigh NC, Langley and Arlington VA, New Jersey [near Newark], 4 in NY- Financial District NYC, Midtown NYC, Montauk, LI, and upstate under a resort community Bolton NY [about 50 mi away], Washington DC #1 and #2, Pentagon, Wilmington DE, and Boston Mass. The locations that are connected for child trafficking are the United Nations Building, the basement of the White House, the NSA spy center in Utah, the TSA location in South Michigan, Orlando FL, Arizona [near Flagstaff] and Seattle. Other International MILABS are in Cern, [close to the Hadron facility] Tokyo Japan, Moscow #1 and #2 [operated by the Russian CIA], Shanghai China, Perth Australia, the Vatican Vatican City Italy, and two in London #2 Essex Road, and London #1 Heathrow Airport, and Dubai. The Vatican and Dubai are almost used exclusively for Temporal creation and child trafficking. The Vatican is used as a distribution center. Mostly refugee children from the USA war crimes, the children are sent to the vatican where they are gang raped, and then are shipped out to over 70 locations in the EU. I became aware of this in January 2013. It took me awhile to calm down and be able to think clearly. Bush Sr wanted me to join the illuminatti and he was the first one to rape me in January 2012. They wanted me because of the gifts Father God gave me, including being able to see DNA of people and read information from it, other psychic gifts and working with various Light energies that God gives us as tools, such as the SACRED FIRE, and the VIOLET FLAME. The MILAB staff experimented on me for a very long time to exploit my gifts in Healing, including injecting me by needle with HIV 185 times including all 77 mutations, placing snakes and other live animals into my body, such as revealed by artist H R GIGER's artwork, and other horrible activities such as being raped [anal sodomy] by high profile politicians, corporate executives, military males, and police officers. Also non-human males some of which I can Identify, and some I cannot like this guy... and a guy like this... and a male that looked exactly like this... THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS TO END THIS HORRIBLE TRAGEDY, GOD BLESS YOUR HEARTS!!

SOCOM Delivered 312 children today and about half are dead (7pm) MILAB doors have been sealed closed so children have been sent to other rooms. The UN Bldg in NYC, the Pentagon and to Roswell. More children are expected tomorrow, 72 en route from China. We are doing great, all we need now is arrests. God Bless Your Hearts, Love Tory Smith

As of the 29th of May, Indiana Governor Mike Pence has raped 186 children and murdered 54 of them in the Indianapolis MILAB Child Trafficking Operation. Under the protection of the Indiana Attorney General's office child rapist and child murderer Greg Zoeller who has raped 22 children and murdered two, It seems that everyone in Indiana wants this to continue. This 4 yr old boy loved soccer and wanted to be a footballer when he grew up. Instead he wad drugged and raped 94 times and choked to death by Pence.

Over the weekend child rapist and child murderer Mike Pence has raped and murdered two more boys. #53 was a 7 yr old boy from Sao Paulo who was raped a total of 49 times. #52 was a 6 yr old boy from Argentina who was raped a total of 112 times. Indiana residents are huge supporters of the participants of the Indianapolis MILAB Child Trafficking Operation, so there is very little desire to close it down. 

Due to the attacks against us dramatically increasing my friends asked me to do a short video on things we can do to protect ourselves. 

57 men were due to gang rape 12 children, but only 17 showed up. 12 children were gang raped by these 17 men a total of 41 times, and all murdered by the man choking them to death during rape. Mike Pence, Greg Zoeller, Douglas G Carter and 7 others from the Indiana State Police, 6 IMPD Officers, and the CIA Agent Thomas, who has dissolved 17 children in a tub in his basement in his Indianapolis home. 

57 men were due to gang rape 12 children, but only 17 showed up. 12 children were gang raped by these 17 men a total of 41 times, and all murdered by the man choking them to death during rape. Mike Pence, Greg Zoeller, Douglas G Carter and 7 others from the Indiana State Police, 6 IMPD Officers, and the CIA Agent Thomas, who has dissolved 17 children in a tub in his basement in his Indianapolis home. 

This isa poor quality video due to attacks against me. I have been in bed for the past 11 days. Mike Pence has murdered another child and so has Greg Zoeller. .I will do a detailed report as soon as I can. 

On the evening of December the 19th, a special party was given for the Democrats. 76 children were gang raped and murdered in 5 MILAB locations. Most of the children [56] were at the Washington DC location and Hillary Clinton, Benjamin Netanyahu, Victoria Nuland, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer were some of the guests. 8 from the "state dept", 22 CEO's, 14 Senators, 12 Secret Service, 36 Pentagon males, 8 people from CNN, but not serial rapist and accomplice to murder Anderson Cooper Vanderbilt, 2 from ABC "news", 1 of NBC, 3 from FOX, 8 Texas State Troopers, 7 men of the NFL, 2 of which are footballers of the New England Patriots, and one of the AFL, and others. 76 children gang raped a total of 213 times by 146 males. 18 children were not killed, because several males walked out. This was the first time this has happened. These children were later killed by Cheney. Joe Biden, who has raped 503 children and murdered 93, also left early as he had an appointment with a $5000 a night escort, paid for with your tax dollars. It was worth it for him, because she looks like a supermodel. Benjamin Netanyahu raped his 1018th child, the 436th one he has murdered, and Victoria Nuland murdered a 10 year old boy named Juan Marco. Also attending were candidates [these are totals] Jeff Boss who has raped 17 children and killed one, Michael Steinberg has raped 37 and murdered 2, one at this event. Andy Caffey raped 12 and murdered one, Harry Braun raped 36 murdered 12, three at this event. Robby Wells has raped 112 children and killed 28 them, 4 at this party. Willie Carter 17 children raped, murdered one on this night. Doug Schreffler raped 8 and murdered one at this party. Martin O'Malley has raped 33 children and killed 6 of them, one at this party. The vile Bernie Saunders has raped 216 children, killed 17 of them, 2 at this gala event. Hillary Clinton killed 8 children, 3 on this day. Chuck Schumer raped and murdered a 7 year old girl, whose Mother called her "Kitty." 

Tory’s last video 





”Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today.”



Facebook, Twitter Lock Trump Out of His Account for the First Time


Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis ‘Deeply Disappointed’ in Pence Amid Electoral Vote Battle

Congress Reconvenes, Pence Denounces Violence

Pence: Constitution ‘Constrains Me’ From Rejecting Electoral Votes

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