Monday, January 25, 2021

Watchman Report Jan. 25, 2021 "The U.S. Corporation"




The Act of 1871

The "United States" Is a Corporation 

There are Two Constitutions


The U.S. isn’t a country, it’s a corporation!

Reginald Stroud, the United States is a business Corporation and not a country



Why did our freedom end when the original “Constitution for the United States for America” was changed to a secret second “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” WITH THE Act of 1871  

Why did Congress commit treason in 1871 when the first Constitution was illegally suspended in favor of a Vatican “Crown” Corporation?

Why was Washington DC established as a city-state on February 21, 1871, with the passage of the Act of 1871 , which officially established the United States as a corporation under the rule of Washington, which itself is subservient to the City of London and the Vatican?

Why doesn’t our Corporate Government have no jurisdiction or authority beyond Washington DC, nor any authority in any State?


Since the Act of 1871 which established the District of Columbia, we have been living under the UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is owned by certain international banksters and aristocracy of Europe and Britain.

In 1871 the Congress changed the name of the original Constitution by changing ONE WORD — and that was very significant as you will read.  

Some people do not understand that ONE WORD or TWO WORDS difference in any “legal” document DO make the critical difference. But, Congress has known, and does know, this.

On February 21, 1871 Congress Passed an Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871.

With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, a ten mile square parcel of land (see, Acts of the Forty-first Congress,” Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62). The boundary stones for this ten mile square parcel still exist. 

The 1871 Act, passed when the country was weakened and financially depleted in the aftermath of the Civil War, was a strategic move by foreign interests, international banksters, who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the coffers and neck of America.

Congress cut a deal with the international banksters, specifically the Rothschilds of London, to incur a DEBT to said banksters. Because the banksters were not about to lend money to a floundering nation without serious stipulations, they devised a way to get their foot in the door of the United States.

The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The corporation, OWNED by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original Constitution into a dustbin. With the Act of 1871, the organic Constitution was defaced, in effect vandalized and sabotaged, when the title was capitalized and the word “for” was changed to “of” in the title.

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the people into thinking it governs our constitutional republic. It does not.

Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans.

What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government. This newly altered Constitution was not intended to benefit the Republic. It benefits only the corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and operates entirely outside the original (organic) Constitution.

Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we the people now have “relative” rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign’s right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to be licensed.

By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution.

The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials, including the treason of 2021!

Trinity of Global Control (Council of 3)


1.  City of London Corporation – Financial power centre, established in 1067.

2.  District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) – Military power centre, established in 1871.

3.  Vatican City – Religious power centre, sovereign in 1929.

The Crown Corporation holds the title to worldwide Crown land in Crown colonies like Canada, Australia & New Zealand. British parliament & the British prime minister serve as a public front for the hidden power of these ruling crown families. 


Beyond the perimeter of the D.C. boundary stones, state's rights reign supreme. In other words the federal government only rules supreme inside the District of Columbia boundary stones. I don't think most Americans realize that.



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