Monday, January 18, 2021

Watchman Report Jan. 18, 2021 "Afternoon Blog"








ITALY STOLE U.S. ELECTION – Here’s why they did it… (


Situation Update, Jan. 15th, 2021 - Declass begins, CNN complicit in capitol raid




Trump Adviser: Republicans Who Support Trump Impeachment Don’t Have Political Future

10 RINOS ATTACK TRUMP With Dems, Stab Him In Back, Vote To Impeech



US Prepares for One of the Most Unusual Inaugurations in History


VIDEO: Pence’s FAILED COUP On Trump Exposed, Traitor Worked With RNC To Try & **** Trump


Capitol Hill Lockdown Prompted by Nearby Fire

FBI Arrests Former School Therapist Who Stood Next to VP’s Chair in Capitol Breach

FBI Probing Allegation That Woman Stole Laptop From Pelosi’s Office to Sell It to Russia


Giuliani Says He Won’t Be Part of Trump Impeachment Defense Team


Trump Lawyer Ousted as Law School Professor


Navarro Just Dropped A BOMBSHELL And Democrats Are Freaking Out! [VIDEO]


Lindsey Graham Exposed As TRAITOR On LIVE TV! [VIDEO]


Dershowitz: Impeaching Trump After Presidency Is ‘Plainly Unconstitutional,’ Senate Shouldn’t Accept




I cant yet verify, but heres a pic of traitor #44 incarcerated !  Scroll to the 3 minute mark.

Obama is Costing Taxpayers The Most And Earning More Than Any Former President

Trump: Obama Committed Treason


Dem Rep: We Will Treat GOP As ‘N******’ [Video]


AOC Drops A Bomb On The NYT: “I Don’t Even Know If I Want To Be In Politics.”

AOC Called For Compiling List Of Trump Supporters, Obama Admin’s Simon Confirms the List Is Already Being Created [Update]

AOC’s New Proposal ENDS FREEDOM & America Once And For All, Welcome To Communism


General Flynn discusses Trump’s duty

General Flynn states Trump WILL remain POTUS. Might b next VP 2 ! 

General Flynn Just Dropped a Bombshell - YouTube


Edward Snowden: How Your Cell Phone Spies on You - YouTube


Candace Owens SUES FACEBOOK & Their Stasi ‘Fact-Checkers’, Including Lead Stories & USA Today


GOP Rep. Meijer Says Impeachment Vote May Have Ended His Career


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Temporarily Suspended by Twitter


Who Will Be America’s Next King? 


Looking Through an Adversary’s Eyes: A KGB Agent’s Prophecy 



Analysis of Ashli Babbit Video Suggests Coordinated Actions—Interview W. Masako Ganaha


They Wouldn’t Arrest Hillary, But They Made THESE Arrests Instead!

Dem Wants To Defund Police, Called 911 Over A Dispute With Lyft


Pastor Faraj


Parler Reappears Online With Message From CEO; China ‘Sought to Influence’ 2020 US Election: DNI

Parler CEO ‘Confident’ Platform Will Return by End of January

•  White House Trade Adviser: Amazon Suspension of Parler Is ‘Chilling’

Parler CEO On Fighting Censorship and Double Standards, and Restoring Free Speech


BLM Leader Declares War Against Police, Calls For A ‘Military Arm’ Of Group

Black Lives Matter Utah Leader Disavows Activist Charged in Capitol Breach


Antifa Punk CONFESSES CAPITOL RIOT STAGED, Posed As MAGA & INSTIGATED RIOT At Capitol – Broke Window At US Capitol Building During Riots


Fellow members of the Clermont County Republican Central Committee and former members of the Clermont County Tea Party:
The time has come for immediate action.  The recent events that we have all been witnessing is not only a disgrace to our party, but a disgrace to our country.  We have sat complacent long enough without action.  Each one of us have played a role in what we are experiencing right now, myself "chief among sinners".  The time to act is now.  We can only accomplish this in great numbers.  We need everyone involved.  We need everyone to take a stand and commit!  
Right now, I am tentatively planning the meeting for Tuesday January 26th at 7PM.  There will be people from other like-minded Tea Party groups joining us remotely, some out of state.  This must be a nationwide effort!  
Hot topics (and the list will grow):

  • Technical education for our members - Each of us need to be intellectually armed as it pertains to technology and how we can fight back.  With the support of some fellow IT members, we plan to offer some meetings that folks can attend to understand how all this works and how you can take control of your information.  One example:  People have concerns with deleting Facebook due to losing all of their pictures and videos of their kids and grandkids.  Facebook offers the ability to export all of your data onto your computer so that you can maintain a copy of your information.  This, and many more educational topics will be offered!
  • Letters to our legislators (local, state, and national) - 10 Republicans voted today to impeach our president.  WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE WHAT A DISGRACE THESE 10 ARE.  We need to push our legislators to stand together as one against the bullying by the left and fight back!  And those with no backbone, LETS VOTE THEM OUT!  Again, this has to be a nationwide effort with nationwide support!
  • Our Union Township Central Committee took a vote in this past meeting regarding how satisfied we are with the Republican party (state and federal).  This was a fantastic exercise that our leadership coordinated that showed an overwhelming percentage of us are dissatisfied with both the state and national party.  One comment from a member in our meeting that sparked huge thought with me was that we need to truly understand what principles we stand for as Republicans.  We as a group need to identify this and stand 100% behind it no matter what challenges we face and no matter where the future takes us.  The best way for us to accomplish this would be to establish a constitutional document for the group that we all vote and agree on.  We have to go into this understanding that many of us have differing opinions and views but we must come together and agree on what it is we fundamentally want to accomplish.  I think we have all been violated enough at this point by the left to be able to come together on this!
  • Communications Decency Act (CDA) (cited from

In 1996, the United States enacted the Communications Decency Act (CDA), which attempted to regulate both indecency (when available to children) and obscenity in cyberspace.[25] In 1997, in the case of Reno v. ACLU, the United States Supreme Court found the anti-indecency provisions of the Act unconstitutional.[26] Writing for the Court, Justice John Paul Stevens held that "the CDA places an unacceptably heavy burden on protected speech".[27]
Section 230[28] is a separate portion of the CDA that remains in effect. Section 230 says that operators of Internet services are not legally liable for the words of third parties who use their services and also protects ISPs from liability for good faith voluntary actions taken to restrict access to certain offensive materials[29] or giving others the technical means to restrict access to that material.  
           We have to call out the abuse of big tech companies as it pertains to their recent acts of censorship and mobilization of censoring our LEGITIMATELY elected President.

  • We need election reform and term limits - Recent events show the need for this now more than ever
  • Education reform and family values - There has never been more of a need for us to focus on bringing God back into our homes.  As we all live very busy lives, we have forgotten to ensure Satan is checked at the front door.  Every smart device in the home is a portal of exposure for our children to liberalism, immoral content, and anti-conservative propaganda.  We don't even realize the role each of us play in allowing our kids to be taught this stuff.  We are so quick to blame the education system (which I do agree plays a huge role) but fail to see the fault that lies with us and the role we play.  We need a national focus back on the family.  Indoctrination of the youth from the left for years has played a huge role in setting the stage for where we are now.  We have to take the reins back on this.  We need to focus on local school board elections, monitoring content in the home, dedicating time to our families, and fighting the school system when appropriate.  
  • Holding those on the left accountable for the actions they are condemning - Liberal hypocrisy is at an all-time high.  We must hold this disgrace of a falsely elected Vice President and her "squad" accountable for the role they played in the destruction of over 2B in damages to private and federal property in 2020 along with more than 17 recorded deaths as a result of "peaceful protest".  This includes DC under fire the day our President was sworn in.  Where has the FBI been?  Where has the Attorney General's all been?  Where was the national manhunt with pictured evidence of those destroying police cars, monuments, and acting violently?  WHERE IS THE JUSTICE!!!  WE NEED TO SEEK JUSTICE AND WE WILL!

This is just a sample of what we need to touch on.  I hope everyone gets engaged and is excited to band together to do something!  This E-mail was an invitation.  I ask that you please spread the word and invite only those you know, trust, and feel would be a functional part to the cause.  WE DO NOT NEED RINOs IN THIS GROUP.  We want true conservatives and true patriots.  This means we stand tall, stand proud, stand for justice, and stand to respect our country in a non-violent manner.  We can bring change while keeping true to our conservative Christian values.  
If you are in, please simply reply to with "I'm in" and I will add your E-mail to the list.  If I do not hear back from you, I will NOT add you to the list and you will NOT receive any further E-mails on this topic from me.
We only want you involved if you want to be involved.  Please come prepared to fight back!
Thank you and God Bless!

William Thomas


Federal Prisons Placed Under Full-On Lockdown ‘In Light of Current Events’



Corporations now at war with America, will help bury evidence of election fraud by paying off reps who hide it



The Man of Sin Revealed

11,707 views, Jan 17, 2021


HOLY COW! CNN Finally Told The Truth About Donald Trump!



Special TV Series Ep. 6: Exporting Revolution Pt. 2


Chinese group sways US media with paid trips; 30 million under virus lockdown near Beijing

Over 15,000 Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted by Chinese Regime in 2020: Report

Chinese Regime Oversaw ‘Unprecedented’ Efforts to Crush Human Rights in 2020, US Commission Says

Chinese Province of 38 Million Tells Residents to Isolate at Home as Virus Outbreak Worsens

NASA Researcher Pleads Guilty to Concealing China Ties


Watchman, I thought your readers might like a little ammo for those who think Trump and his supporters are insurrectionists. Absurd hypocrisy!! Found short clips and I hope you share them. 

Hard to listen to Nancy Pelosi, sounds like her meds were missed.

Nancy refuses to condemn statue toppling. Start at 2:10

Mayor Jenny Durkan defends CHAZ and their rights when Trump wants an end to destruction and violence

Maxine Waters, a classic and definitely one of my favorites!

This is another favorite. Mayor Rawlings "gave those who wish to destroy the space to..."

Pelosi applauds BLM

AOC supports protests and voting isn't enough

AOC is proud to be a radical and protesters are "protectors" Start at 1:00

President Harris "everyone beware" "protest won't stop" "continue after election" start 2:10

President Harris busted for requesting funding for bailing out MN rioters arrested for damage/violence

Watchman comment: keep your friends close & your enemies closer.

Watchman, I don't understand.  

             WHY is Trump meeting with Pence - ?

             WHY is Trump back in Washington - ? 

             Is  ""  a credible source?

Trump and Pence Hold Oval Office Meeting – First Meeting Since Pence Betrayed Trump

Trump and Pence Hold Oval Office Meeting – First Meeting Since Pence Betrayed Trump – Daily Headlines………………….A


Watchman, I TELL YOU THE TRUTH-- this Information BELOW on the surface WAS VERY HARD FOR ME TO BELIEVE



In 2008 I became aware of the Incorporation Act 0f 1871 which has slowly been taking our freedoms away since then.  The USA Corporation also fits well into Satan's plan to merge the USA into the One World Government which will be controlled by the Antichrist after the Rapture of the TRUE  CHURCH to Heaven...If your NOT aware of the Antichrist, I hope you better start studying Bible Prophecy ( Book of Revelations & Daniel) today !!!!


But my TRUST is ONLY in the LORD -- that HE will show Mercy & Grace once again on America even when we don't deserve Mercy.   

Continue to PRAY that our GOD will save US  from the DEEP STATE & CCP Communists knocking at the DOOR


This website below has been a BEACON of LIGHT for many years

BUT 1st watch this 3 min video to put you the RIGHT MOOD

ALSO, read ALL about the Act of 1871 in 3 parts


Why America Is Transitioning From USA Corporation to USA Republic & Biden Will Not Be President ! – A Must Read !

Posted on January 17, 2021 by David Robinson

From Capt. Ed Hayes, Ret.

I hesitate to send some of these things out since there have been so many that were apparent scams but for what it’s worth here this is.

But a question I have, IF NOT TRUE — would a military man share this info with his Father-In-Law (me)?

“A US Air Force pilot received this information and he forwarded it to his father-in- law. He says, “We need 100% of the people indoors to see what the US military is going to broadcast on everyone’s tv sets worldwide. It’s going to be very painful; but we can no longer have people divided. “Around Sunday or Monday, POTUS will send out a message saying, ‘My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us. We will go to full global martial law.’ “He will most likely be on Air Force 1, sending out 7 presidential messages to everyone’s phones and tv sets worldwide on EMS; all global military via US military will shut down all media, all internet, social media, all tv programming, phones, all on one channel on EMS so US military can broadcast 10 days of the storm, 10 days of sessions, 3 hour video confessions, from a military tribunal, lots of evidence for the scandals listed in the storm. “While this is happening, the government will be making global arrests, Americans will be arrested around the globe and people who participated in this coup attempt against the President of the United States.”


1. Trump was not running for just another 4 year election in 2016 – Trump was approached by the military to run and his entire win has been and still is a military operation.

2. Trump’s first 4 years was to drain the lower swamp first. The swamp was/is deep and incorporated every industry in the world, banking, movie, pharmaceutical, food, you name it they controlled it; much has been handled.

3. Barack Obama before leaving office signed an executive order to pardon anyone prior of any crimes in the government. This is WHY no one was held accountable when the Trump took office.

4. These swamp rats could not be tried for those crimes (ie: Hillary email scandal, Clinton Foundation, FISA spying on the Trump campaign etc) ~ only crimes AFTER Obama left office could tried – therefore, new crimes had to be snared.

5. The military needed to catch them in the act committing crimes with proof.

6. President Trump said in his speech January 7th, 2021: there will be “a smooth, orderly transition of power.”

7. This in no way means that President Trump is transitioning power from his first term to Joe Biden! Did you hear him say Joe Biden?

8. We are transitioning from the defunct USA Corp to the Republic (not Biden). President Trump will not technically get a “second term” and as he tweeted, “won’t be at the Inauguration Day in January” ~ this means there won’t be an Inauguration Day. This was the last recorded term of a President who served in the “American Corporation”.

9. President Trump dismantled the Banking Act of 1781 from England. The United States is going back to being a Republic and Donald J Trump will be the first President of the new republic with the Constitution fully intact.

10. The start date for the new Republic is March 4, 2021 ~ this was the original start date of the new President (until it was changed under FDR in 1933).

11. At the end of President Trump’s speech he said: “Our incredible journey is only just beginning.” Boom

11. No matter what it loks like, it’s all optics; Military operations have thought of everything.

12. Trump won an overwhelming victory and will be the President ~ of the New Republic.

13. The swamp rats needed to commit their crime during the last 4 years; and they have now been snared.

14. Certifying a knowingly fraudulent election as Pence and Congress just did is treason.

15. Now President Trump is still the President of the United States until January 20, 2021. He has the power to invoke the insurrection act. The Insurrection Act deals at a military level with treason.

16. Why did the president not involve the Insurrection Act before? Because it involves the military and people would have accused him of being a dictator. He has given everybody ample opportunity to come clean with the fraudulent election: the Supreme Court, the DOJ, the courts, congress, and the vice president. They all picked their lane for the most part and chose to certify a (knowingly) fraudulent election.

17. Many Trump supporters have been pressured and threatened by the deep state, they always have. People appearing to go against Trump have either been threatened or they are part of the deep state. People have picked their lanes.

18. Do not underestimate the President and this military operation. Trump often appears weak before he wins (read The Art of the Deal). Twitter and Facebook now banning (censoring) the President ~ this gives the President the opportunity to use the Emergency Broadcast System (set up in 2018) in order to contact all Americans for what they will need to hear regarding the next steps.

19. Trump has said over and over: “we have it all (the evidence).” He has also said: “we will never surrender.” And, he said: “the best is yet to come!”

20. Do not watch or trust the MSM; they are deep state. Do not give up. Keep the faith!!! 

Watchman, Intercessors, Prayer Warriors and Patriots:

Some of you have seen this already. If so, you may feel led to rewatch.I got more each time I watched it. If, this is all true NOTHING will stop what is coming ! 

Military Intelligence Operations Have Exposed The Cabal's Plan - YouTube

The second video has been redone and scrubbed from u tube. Fortunately a pro Trump site has put it back up on various platforms. There is also a lot of alternative news on the site if you clic on “the daily truth report” window in the upper left corner. 

Q - The Plan to Save the World

Both of the video reports above, are in stark contrast to yesterdays situation update on bit chute from Mike Adams. Although this scenario is a possibility, Im not convinced. I typically agree with Mike, but not this time. He apparently doesn’t know that Trump has signed the insurrection act, at least according to a couple of sources I have seen. I also believe that some of the criminal traitors have already been prosecuted and some may be wearing ankle monitors and/or incarcerated already. Whatever the truth turns out to be, we know the best is yet to come. There is a WHOLE lot of disinformation out there. This is an information as well as a spiritual war. FYI, I have heard that the truth might hit the fan Monday 1/18.  ALL that is hidden will be revealed ! 


We need to continue to pray, and it might be wise do some preparation for a worst cast scenario. 


Watchman, there is information floating around that appears to be a poor repackaging of some legitimate Q information and some wild speculation.

One indication is that "no one" will not be able to leave their residence for 10 days, or some such non sense.  Consider the implications.  Cops? Emergency Room Workers?  Utility Crews? Please note we went through the COVID drill, in part, to educate people.  What did we learn about "essential" and "non-essential"?


That is complete garbage in my view. Just think……………..Y


Watchman,  I now  understand  the calm before the storm. there is no  information out  in the normal  places.... tomorrow  WE THE PEOPLE  TAKE  BACK OUR COUNTRY!................R

1.  Readers please provide comments and feedback.

2.  This report came from highly credible "Watchman on the Wall" website.  (link is below)

3.  All information seemed logical until it referenced "transition to Gesara / Nesara" since the objective was thought to be "arrests of individuals."

GESARA (Global Economic Security and Recovery Act.)

NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act.)  

Imminent global economic reset act named NESARA, and a new era of gold-backed cryptocurrency to be ushered in have been seeing a surge in popularity on social media.  NESARA has been around since the late 1990s.

Another online reference - How Trump is using NESARA / GESARA to stop New World Order!  US Government corruption, COVID19 & CHINA's masterplan in investment & ownership of a vast number of Corporations, Investment & Real estate companies in order to control-takeover the US.   

How Trump is using NESARA / GESARA to stop New World Order - YouTube   

4.  Also, arresting 500,000 suspects worldwide seems unbelievable - ?  Jail space?

5.  You may want to use some of this information with caution.


North Dakota Bill Would Let Censored Citizens File Lawsuits Against Facebook, Twitter

Facebook To Censor or Delete Every Conservative Suggests Ex Employee Who Oversaw ‘Security’


Judge Just F***** BIG TECH, FB, DOMINION Twitter, Apple, Amazon & Google Ordered To Come Clean, Release It All

Leaked Video Reveals Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s Internal Discussions Before Trump Ban


EU Gives Go-ahead For Eating WORMS

Exclusive: Customs Now Detaining Trump Supporters

Orwellian Surveillance Hell Touted As ‘Future Of Tourism’

Obey: Cumulus Media orders all "conservative" talk show hosts to embrace Biden as "president"

Boxing Club Owner Pushed to Brink: ‘I Have Nothing Left to Lose’


China’s Lack of Transparency to CCP Virus Had US ‘Flying Blind’: HHS Secretary Azar

2 ‘Sudden Collapses’ in China Suspected to Be COVID-19 Deaths

Government in Ireland Forced to Admit Covid-19 Does Not Exist

CCP Virus Outbreaks in Northern China Continue to Worsen


Top 7 reasons why people are testing positive for covid-19 after vaccinations

Pfizer covid-19 vaccine victim, 13th January 2021

•  US Approval of AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson Vaccines Likely ‘Weeks Away’: Fauci


Democrats are now moving quickly to reclassify conservative dissent as "domestic terrorism"


Economists Predict Sharp Slowdown Before Outlook Brightens Considerably

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