Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Watchman Report Dec. 16, 2020 "Afternoon Blog"






Trump to Mitch McConnell: ‘Too Soon to Give Up’ on Election Fight


Trump Campaign Lawyer Urges Probe Into Dominion at Colorado Election Integrity Hearing



Will 2nd Amendment Survive Democrat's Win On The Elections

Regardless of your thoughts on the election, if Biden and Harris head to the White House this leaves gun owners wondering what the historically anti-gun Biden will do to the 2nd Amendment. It’s not all doom and gloom, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows either. 

Biden’s Plan

Biden’s gun plan is extensive and covers a lot of bases.

One of the major points he outlines is a plan to outlaw “assault rifles”. As is typical of anti-gun politicians, they do not use the term correctly. An assault rifle refers to an automatic rifle. The AR-15s they want to ban are semi-automatic. This misuse of terms also shows up when they speak of banning high-capacity magazines. A 30-round magazine is standard capacity for an AR-15. They tend to define high capacity as anything over 10 rounds in a magazine.

Some “first steps” on the road to their goals involve a gun buyback program and weapon registration. The registration would involve registering these rifles under the NFA, like silencers for example. This involves a 200-dollar tax stamp. Of course, gun owners are weary of what a gun registration might mean for the future. Knowing where every firearm is and who has them is a great first step to confiscating guns.

Their plan goes a lot further. They would like to expand the use of background checks to include all gun purchases, whether bought in an official store or not. They would also like to limit access to firearms for the mentally ill. It is not clear, but this could be used egregiously. Could a healthcare worker decide that someone suffering from depression or anxiety should have their 2nd Amendment rights stripped? Perhaps, and that is a slippery slope that leads down the path of disenfranchising a lot of gun owners. 


What they are able to accomplish may largely depend on the results of the Georgia election. While the presidential race was fully declared for Biden, the races for their two senate seats were not. They were incredibly close which means they are headed for a run-off election. This pits Democrats Warnock and Ossoff against Republicans Purdue and Loeffler. If Republicans hold on to these two seats, 51 out the 100 senators in congress will be Republican. This could be enough to hold back any gun legislation Democrats try to push through. If the Democrats win these elections, they will control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.

The Supreme Court could still stand in the way of the most egregious legislation. There are currently 6 conservative judges compared to three liberal judges in the Supreme Court. They would most likely shoot down bills that run afoul of the 2nd Amendment. This could serve as a sort of last line of defense. However, there have talks to “pack the court” by some Democrats. The constitution allows for more justices to be added to the Supreme Court through a simple bill. In other words, it would simply require a majority of the Senate, a majority of the House, and the President’s signing to add justices. Of course, it would be Biden nominating judges meaning they could theoretically flip the Supreme Court as well. This would make the Supreme Court a partisan tool. The Supreme Court is only supposed to determine if laws are in line with the constitution, not favor along partisan lines. 

What Can Gun Owners Do?

One thing you can do is make sure you have a basic supply of ammunition and arms. There are two main reasons for this.

For one, the prices of these things tend to skyrocket any time there is fear of anti-gun legislation being passed. If you have a firearm on your wishlist, you don’t want to be caught looking to buy it during a gun scare. These gun scares have become commonplace for American gunowners. It is also good to make sure you have some back up ammunition. Ammo has been a bit scarce during the Covid era. In general, you should have some ammo that you leave untouched for times of scarcity. .22 rifles are great to have for this reason. The ammo is cheap and is plentiful. Of course, anything is scarce under the right, or wrong, conditions. But compared to other types of ammo, it’s cheap and easy to find. .22s are also versatile. They can be used for hunting a variety of small game. They are great for sharpening your marksman skills. They also can be used for self-defense, though not ideal. 

The other reason is that if certain firearms are banned, you won’t be left without one.

It’s also good to keep some backup supply of food and water. While some go the full prepper route, you don’t have to go to the extreme. Simply a month to three months of cheap supplies can help put your mind at ease. The economy is not as stable as it once was, and anything to quell the anxiety can help.

You can only do what you can do. What happens over the next few months will be very telling for what the future may bring.


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