Monday, November 30, 2020

Watchman Report Nov. 30, 2020 "Afternoon Blog"


Analyzing the worst election chicanery in US history -- with the 2020 election a total fraud, it's time for patriots nationwide to become 'ungovernable'

Vermont authorizes schools to ask kids to rat on parents who celebrated Thanksgiving with others


Leftists Clamor For President Trump To Be ‘Dragged Out Of White House In Handcuffs’


Who is Navid Keshavarz-Nia?

All 30 of Sidney's stunning GA. allegations & evidence on video & print

Above, Susan Rosenberg, Judy Clark & Betty Ann Duke


Bill "mack daddy" Clinton pardoned this commie! And the lefties have the nerve to complain about President Trump pardoning General Flynn!

Who is Susan Rosenberg?

Who is Susan Rosenberg

 FROM SNOPES (the very left leaning “Fact Checking Organization”)

"Originally from New York City, Rosenberg was an active member of several revolutionary left-wing groups and movements during the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. In November 1984, she was arrested in Cherry Hill, New Jersey after police said she and an associate, Timothy Blunk, were found transferring 740 pounds of explosives, an Uzi submachine gun, an M-14 rifle, a rifle with a telescopic sight, a sawed-off shotgun, three 9-millimeter handguns and boxes of ammunition from a car into a storage locker. Rosenberg was tried and convicted on the following charges: “Conspiracy to possess unregistered firearms, receive firearms and explosives shipped in interstate commerce while a fugitive, and unlawfully use false identification documents; possession of unregistered destructive devices, possession of unregistered firearm (two counts); carrying explosives during commission of a felony; possession with intent to unlawfully use false identification documents; false representation of Social Security number, possession of counterfeit Social Security cards.” And who runs the fund raising for "Black Lives Matter"? None other than Susan Rosenberg

An Iranian ayatollah gloated that now Americans themselves are chanting "death to America!"

And I can tell you why that's happening.

The radical Left is using your tax dollars to indoctrinate your children and grandchildren to hate America.

And for years, they've gotten away with it.

  • In California, a teacher assigned students to write letters to the Oakland police department demanding an end to "racial profiling" -- for a math class
  • Teachers are reading a book called "A is for Activist" to first grade students -- teaching them "F is for feminist, T is for trans, X is for Malcolm X"
  • An Illinois principal invited a BLM activist -- who celebrated the execution-style killings of Chicago police -- to speak at career day

There's even a national program called Black Lives Matter at School pushing for this indoctrination -- and they've already succeeded in Seattle, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Boston, New York City, Baltimore and Washington DC.

But they won't stop there.

Black Lives Matter won't be happy until they've conquered every school district in America -- and programmed every boy and girl to believe that all white people are racist, the United States is evil, and capitalism must be overthrown.

I wish I was kidding, but this is what's happening in your own backyard on YOUR dime.

But you can use your hard-earned dollars to fight back.

You can combat this radical agenda today with an emergency donation that will go directly to our campaign to BAN BLM IN OUR SCHOOLS.

Allow me to explain.

My name is David Horowitz, and in 2018 I launched a program to end indoctrination in K-12 schools.

My team introduced a Code of Ethics, and met with legislators, boards, and committees across the country to make sure that K-12 teachers did their jobs as educators -- NOT Left Wing activists.

The Code of Ethics holds educators accountable, and demands they leave their politics OUT of the classroom.

We've made progress in 6 states. Of course, every state is an uphill battle with teachers unions and other Left Wing organizations fighting us at every turn.

But it could not be clearer: it's time to ramp up our efforts 100 fold. Will you pitch in $35 or more to BAN Black Lives Matter IN SCHOOLS?

I'm sure you've read and seen countless stories about the Left pushing God out of our schools...

They have scared administrators into banning any mention of God.

But their crusade to get religion out of the classroom was a lie...

It was just an excuse to remove God and replace Him with government.

And what's most disturbing is that they're doing it with your tax dollars...

Now, do you think your tax dollars should be paying for this anti-American indoctrination?

If not, then please act today and put your dollars where they belong — and protect your children and grandchildren from the indoctrination agenda.

The radical Left knows they'll never change your mind — you already know the truth. So, they're working on our children and grandchildren — feeding them lies about "social justice" and socialism.

Of course, they're not teaching the truth — the violence, the poverty, the tyranny.

After all, this is a tactic from radical communist dictator Vladimir Lenin — he said, "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."

We can't allow the radical Left to succeed.

That's why I'm asking you to make an emergency donation to stop the Left's indoctrination in our schools.

And let me tell you — there's no better group than The David Horowitz Freedom Center to lead this fight.

For the last 30 years we've been in the trenches fighting the radical Left and its allies who are working to destroy America as we know it.

But the fact remains that I cannot do this alone. The only way I can take this nationwide is with your help...

So I'm asking you to join our fight and give what you can today.

Thank you in advance for your support.
For America,
David Horowitz
David Horowitz


Lin Wood: America will be shocked at the level of pedophilia, satanic worship in government



Klaus's great reset will fail because of a GREAT AWAKENING!



Bees declared "the most important living being on the planet," but they may soon be extinct

New footage reveals Netflix faked death of walruses: Climate change did not cause the deaths, polar bears did


Judge Blocks, Unblocks, Then Blocks Georgia From Wiping or Resetting Election Machines

Atty Lin Wood GA voter fraud interview: Too many bombshells

A day of reckoning is coming for election thieves

Ex-military official outlines two vote fraud programs potentially used to carry out criminal election theft

When did American elections become Venezuelan elections?

Mail-in votes in Michigan and Pennsylvania show evidence of coordinated vote fraud for Biden

Mechanics behind electronic vote stealing revealed

FBI Requests Fraud, Disenfranchisement Evidence, Researcher Says

Newt Gingrich: 2020 Election May Be Biggest Presidential Theft Since 1824

another 23,000 fraudulent ballots in PA!

Provides a synopsis of status of vote fraud cases, challenges & recounts

Here is the evidence of election fraud and it currently includes hundreds of cases, encompassing millions of stolen or fraudulent votes

Trump confidant tells LifeSite: the president has all the proof needed to show massive fraud, vote switching

Analysis shows Biden received a statistically impossible percentage of votes from ballot dumps in Georgia

Just a reminder: Obama won his very first election by charging his opponents with election fraud. Oh, you didn't know?

Powell's 'Kraken' lawsuit in Georgia reveals voluminous extent of alleged voter fraud


Coronavirus testing can be manipulated to make vaccines look more effective

Conservative media outlets begin spouting vaccine industry propaganda and fake science

We must get this message out to the Center for Disease Control and all labs!
  Here's something we can all agree on. 
1. The vaccine should be tested on politicians first.
2. If they survive, the vaccine is safe.
3. If they don't, the country is safe.


the 305th MI Battalion is the Kraken Krew; China & Iran interfered in the U.S. election.




Mark of the beast? UN rolls out biometric digital ID wallet and passport


Construction worker died after fall from ladder - why was his death blamed on COVID?

New research shows that wearing a mask will not protect you against the coronavirus

Study tests 130,000 children for coronavirus, finds only 4 percent ever had it

CDC is a private organization - not government


Japanese Foreign Minister Announces Plan to “Transform Japan Into a Diverse Multiethnic Society”


PayPal now terminating user accounts, stealing money from users that support free speech


 Best part is last 40 mins

Wisconsin, Arizona to Certify Election Results on Monday

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