Thursday, November 19, 2020

Watchman Report News Nov. 19, 2020 "Afternoon Edition"





Keep the faith... Trump will win


About the Monkey

Many people know the Monkey as MilSpecOpsMonkey from social media where he provides insight to military special operations, tracking of flights to Guantanamo Bay Cuba, as well as guest podcasts with Bards of War on YouTube. The Monkey was born and raised on the east coast of central Florida and is a second generation surfer as well as a third generation military veteran who has spent more than thirty years in the aerospace and defense industry working on advanced weapons programs.

After three decades of corporate politics, the monkey decided to throw in the towel, and in late 2019 started MonkeyWerx in the great state of Texas.


Monkeying around with Ghislane


MSM Echo Chamber: No Evidence of Election Theft!

CIA, Gina Haspel and Hugo Chavez’ SmartMatic Behind USA Steal


Comments from a good friend and ex-communist 

A good friend of mine Harald Ziegler grew up in communist East Germany. He wrote the book: "Freedoms Nightmare". It is about his life as a child & young man in East Germany after WWII, which was behind the "Iron Curtain". It its not speculation, it his personal view. His comments are below.

I’m well and I’m baffled by the unbelievable easiness with which most of the American People have been brought into submission to an overreaching government. Running around even in their own home or in their cars with a “Face-Diaper” over their mouth!

I Agree, but with talking to people, many on the Right tell me they know its a Fraud, but wear masks for various reasons, like they would get fired if they don't at work, my wife wants me to, etc. But for the Left its Submitting to their NWO Religion, like with Islam woman wearing Burkas.

 I have Not been wearing a Mask and this last week was the first time I got Kicked Out of a store. The Irate Loon Demoncrat Manager Demanded I leave from an Un-"Good Will" Store. I tried talking to him, but he would Not listen to the Truth or the look at the papers I had Proving Masks Don't work. Things are likely to heat up even more, thanks to NWO RINO Dewine, etc.   

When I wrote my book, I had the great expectation that a large number of American Christians would wake up and start to DEMAND the election of RIGHTEOUS LEADERS! But soon after the first few presentations I gave in churches, I was cut out of the circle! They did not like that I blamed them – the religious leader, pastors, and elders for the destruction of morals in the US. They should have said

 1. In 1962 – if you vote for people who ban the Bible out of schools, don’t come back into my church

2. In 1973 – if you vote for people who agree with the killing of babies in mothers wombs calling it a fancy name, don’t come back into my church 

3. In 2015 – if you vote for people who support the satanic law of same-sex “marriage”, don’t come back into my church.

When uttered these statements, you could have heard needles drop on carpets. And after just a few of those speeches, I was out. No church wanted to hear my testimony anymore.  It wasn’t really about the testimony of how a devout Communist Youth Leader turned in to a devout Christian, fighting for the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the risk of being imprisoned, even to disappear forever. They did not want to have their congregation use the remains of the ability to critically think.

This is an example of how most Churches have Submitted to the 'False Prophet' NWO Religion. Its Blatant Rebellion Against God and Christ of the Bible. And there is Much more, like the Ecumenical 'World Council of Churches' 'Tower of Babel', 'Unholy Alliance of Evil' with Islam and NWO Communism, etc. Its not just Church leaders, many people leave Churches that stand for true Biblical based Christianity. Years ago I had email with a Pastor that Lost his congregation, because of his stand for the Bible.  

It appears to me that the American people still believe that they can democratically win against the Satanic Power of Communism. They still believe that if they just do what the law requires, the satanic communists running the DemocRat Party will roll over and give up. THEY NEVER EVER WILL GIVE UP! Their doctrine is that they HAVE TO RULE! if they don’t rule and dictate when you change your underwear, when you can eat, what you are allowed to eat, to work, where to live, how to live and, and, and! In other words, micromanage your life!

Unfortunately, the Publisher of my book went bankrupt, and with that, my book is out of print. Since that happened before they finished the electronic version, I don’t even have that. And I can’t spend the money to re-publish it, although I see a HUGE NEED for my book right now.

I hope that President Trump is able to get his victory secured, although, I don’t even trust the SCOTUS at all. And I would not wonder if “powers-not-to-be” would attempt to kill him if he does. The Satanic Communists have Infiltrated all levels of government including the local and state as well as many of the large corporations, which all play their game.

I agree with all of this except about Trump, but I understand how you think that. While we have to question everything and everyone in this 'Age of Deceit', Trump has done many good things and is trying to do more. As I and some others I have Warned, the Republican Establishment is Not Conservative, but many have played along with Trump to get reelected. I don't Totally Trust Trump, but give him the 'Benefit of the Bought'. The NWO Hates him for Opposing their Satanic Agenda. We would already be Under the NWO 'Anti-Christ Rule' without Trump.  

As you just said, the Marxists have Infested our Govt and they are Committing Mutiny, Disobeying his Orders. Plus he has so many critical thing to deal with, like the Muslims & Marxists  Terrorism, War Mongering, Sabotaging the Economy and many more things most people have No idea of. A shore way to Fail, is to Not Try. So Never Quit Battling against Satan's Falseness, Deceits and 'Useful Idiots'.

With this said, I’m reading every of the most important Biblical Texts, Matt 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 in combination with the Book of Revelation chapter 6 & 13 and I see virtually all of it coming into reality before our very eyes.




Why We Will Win and They Will Lose

Health Ranger election update

Leftists Suggest “Re-education Camps,” “Firing Squads,” Banning Talk Radio to “Deprogram” 75 Million Trump Supporters


Here is a quote from John Adams, spoken after Washington’s death: “Washington’s example is complete,” Adams said, “and it will teach wisdom and virtue to magistrates, citizens, and men, not only in the present age, but in future generations, as long as our history shall be read.” 

As you know I’ve written about the state of American K-12 education, about how it’s been in decline for decades, even as more and more tax dollars have been thrown at it.

I’ve also written about The New York Times’ “1619 Project,” a project aimed at subverting the teaching of history in American elementary and high schools nationwide. One of its key claims is that America was founded in 1619, the year the first slave arrived, rather than in 1776 when we declared independence from England and proclaimed that “all men are created equal.”

In other words, according to the “1619 Project,” the central feature of America is not freedom, but slavery.

Given the biased and dishonest ideology prevalent in our colleges, universities, "lame stream mocking birdmedia" and increasingly our K-12 schools, is it a surprise that so many young Americans feel less of a patriotic attachment to their country? Instead, they are increasingly attracted—out of ignorance—to ideas like socialism & communism that are destructive of liberty.

Ronald Reagan, once said: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” What Reagan meant is that it is not enough to pass liberty on to the next generation—we must also prepare that generation to preserve and pass on liberty themselves. 


This Hospital Claimed 5,000 COVID Cases. What Officials Found Is Absolutely Sickening!

Study Warns That New Work From Home Trend is Making People More “Racist”

TUCKER: Elites See COVID As Chance To Impose ‘Unprecedented Social Controls’ On Populace


Why the Pfizer vaccine has to be frozen at -70 centigrade. 

Children’s Health Defense explained in an August 6th article, “mRNA vaccines undergoing Covid-19 clinical trials, including the Moderna vaccine, rely on a nanoparticle-based “carrier system” containing a synthetic chemical called polyethylene glycol (PEG)

The use of PEG in drugs and vaccines is increasingly controversial due to the well-documented incidence of adverse PEG-related immune reactions, including life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Roughly seven in ten Americans may already be sensitized to PEG, which may result in reduced efficacy of the vaccine and an increase in adverse side effects.

Misuse of PCR tests - Worst Crime Against Humanity Eve


Chinese communist war crimes

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