Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What Kind of Father Lures His Son Into Criminal Acts?

Patriots and friends, I think we know now why Hunter Biden is so messed up. What kind of father tells his son to commit crimes and put the ill gotten cash into the family pot so the father is not seen accepting and having to declare  illegal cash to the IRS and other government agencies. "Sleepy Joe" is a "dirt bag" corrupt "swamp creature".

I am a retired intelligence analyst and I do not appreciate Adam "shit ball" Schiff politicizing our intelligence agencies. There is no way Hunter's computer came from the Russians and the three hard drives came from Chinese dissidents. 

Glenn Beck raises a good point in his video below. Did "Sleepy Joe" sell our stealth technology to the Communist Chinese for cash?

Patriots, Joe Biden is not morally fit to be our President. See Glenn's video below.


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