Thursday, October 8, 2020

Was Herminio Diaz Garcia aka El Nino Diaz A JFK Assassin? Part 1


Above, the man to the far left is a Cuban named Herminio Diaz Garcia aka "El Nino Diaz". 

From left to right, Emilio Santana, second Herminio Diaz, and Tony Cuesta is the last man on the right before they raided Monte Barreto, Cuba in March 1966.

Herminio Diaz Garcia aka "El Nino Diaz's" friend, Renaldo Martinez, a Cuban exile, who lived in Florida stated he was told in a Cuban prison by Tony Cuesta that "El Nino Diaz" participated in the JFK assassination. Martinez said that "El Nino" was a very proficient rifleman who had participated in prior assassinations including an attempt on Batista's life. Diaz was a fierce anti-communist and a close friend of Mafioso Santo Trafficante and Diaz helped get Trafficante out of a Cuban prison after Castro seized power.  Castro threw Trafficante into prison after 1959 revolution. In March 1966 "El Nino" Diaz was killed when he and fellow Cubans raided Cuba. 

After Cuesta died in Miami on December 2, 1992, General Escalante disclosed that Cuesta had told him that "El Nino" Diaz and a man named Eladio Del Valle were in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Cuesta had refused to elaborate more to General Escalante.

Furthermore, someone said that Felipe Vidal Santiago and Eugenio Salvador were in Dallas on November 22, 1963. I do not recall who said that.

Above, Tony Cuesta, photographed later in his life. 

Scott Kaiser said Tony Cuesta told him "your father knew too much” this is the reason your father was killed. My father names Eugenio Salvador in his address book, and writes the word “Dallas” under Eugenio’s name.

Scott Kaiser said Fidel Castro infiltrated all the anti-Castro groups in Miami including my father’s, the "Cubanos Unidos", that group was infiltrated by the third highest ranking officer of the G2’s Ricardo “Cayo” Cabrera who admitted of being afraid of my father.

Above, a photo of Eladio del Valle

On February 22, 1967, Eladio del Valle was found in his 1966 Fleetwood Cadillac on a parking lot at 37th Avenue and N.W. 7th Street, Miami, with multiple blunt impacts of head and gunshot wound of chest. Below is Eladio del Valle's bio.

General Escalante had a report by a G-2 mole about Eladio Del Valle saying and I quote, “..........that Kennedy must be killed to solve the Cuban problem.”

Below is the enhanced photo from the Orville Nix assassination video. The shooter in the enhanced photo has an uncanny resemblance to Emilio Santana. See the Orville Nix video assassination links below.

Below, the link to "El Nino Herminio Diaz Garcia's bio.

See also the Renaldo Martinez video below.

1 comment:

  1. Herminio Diaz Garcia was the second man from the left, not the first one.
