Saturday, October 17, 2020

Bidens and Dems Were Blackmailed By The Chinese Communist Party! DOJ and Trump Have The Three Hard Drives! (updated 19 Oct.)

Hunter Biden is a pedophile. See the article Below

The latest episode of the "Sleepy Joe" and Hunter Show may have made a really dark turn. Several news outlets are reporting that the FBI subpoena for the laptop was signed by FBI agent Joshua Wilson.

Special Agent (SA) Joshua Wilson is a 13 year veteran of the FBI.  SA Wilson has worked on Violent Crimes Against Children matters for almost his entire Bureau career. SA Wilson currently serves as the Coordinator of the FBI’s national Child Abduction Rapid Deployment (CARD) Team at FBI Headquarters. Prior to joining the FBI, SA Wilson served as a Space and Missile Officer in the U.S. Air Force.

There are sex photos and videos on the laptop, but if the news outlets are correct, there could be child porn on there as well if the warrant was actually signed by Joshua Wilson. He is the top investigator on crimes again children. That’s all he does. That points to the possibility that child porn is involved.
The Chinese man in the photo above with Guiliani is the narrator in the Chinese video below. I believe his name is Guo Wengui. I believe he is a Chinese dissident. Notice the people in the mirror, one is Steve Bannon and the woman, I believe, is the Hong Kong whistleblower who has spoken about the Chinese Communist Virus (CCV) aka Wuhan Virus aka the Corona Virus. The Chinese video below was published 24 Sept. 2020! This was two weeks before the revelations in the New York Post!

Reportedly, three Chinese crime families, Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong and Meng Jianzhu provided the 3 three hard drives to the DOJ and President Trump to protect themselves from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). For example, Meng Jianzhu leads Central Political Legal Affairs Commission.

In recent Chinese history China has been ruled by crime families. Xi Jinping, the current leader of China leads one crime family.  Essentially the crime families divide up China. For example, one crime family controls the Shanghai area while another controls the Beijing region. 

The first hard drive contains Hunter Biden sex tapes including pedophilia acts. Hunter and his father were then blackmailed and 
and offered a secret deal. Hunter was offered a $1 Million pre-payment and then given $10 million dollars after he signed the secret deal. The overall package totalled $4.5 billion dollars. It also included Ukraine and Kazakstan. Jianming arranged the secret deal but he was arrested when he returned to China. Chen Feng and other people were also arrested by the CCP. For example, Wu Xiaohui of Anbang Insurance was also arrested. I want to emphasize that the CCP has been blackmailing Democrats, Republicans and reportedly Bloomberg. Trump was never blackmailed because he never collaborated with the CCP. 
The second hard drive Xi Jinping and Wang's hidden overseas wealth mainly in the U.S.

Guo Wengui states that the CCP has a secret deal with the Democratic Party and the CCP has ordered the Democratic Party leadership to win the November 3 Presidential election at any cost. Then after the election the Democratic President and Democratic congress would follow the orders of the CCP. The CCP wants to control all future American Presidents. The CCP also wants to control the UN. The CCP calls this plan their "Architecture and Art Project."

The thrd hard drive contains the CCP bio-weapon plan. 

So, in summary, we are dealing with Hunter's computer that he never picked up in New York and 3 hard drives from the Chinese.

Patriots, I have expressed, for a long time, my fear of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) blackmail against American politicians, specifically the Bidens and other notable Americans. My exact words over the last several months has been, "if Biden and the Dems win the election they will sell us out to the Chinese." It seems I have bee correct.

I saw this type of blackmail a few times in my work as Defense Security Service (DSS) special agent. Apparently the CCP is blackmailing, per the video below, several members of the Democratic Party and some Republican politicians. I believe we need a special FBI and DSS task force to look into this espionage and blackmail. It would be a great job for General Flynn.

Thank God Trump and other U.S. officials have the three blackmail computer hard drives and Hunter's computer. I will add other information to this developing story. 

A few prophets have said there would be startling expose's and revelations involving politicians, ministers, and high profile Americans prior to the election. Falwell was the first to fall, now it is the Bidens turn. The prophecies are coming true.

Hunter's, former partner in a bond scheme, Bevan Cooney has flipped and reportedly has turned over his gmail account to Peter Schweizer and Matthew Tyrmand  cooperating with law enforcement. 

Hunter's computer revealed he set up meetings between his Chinese bribers/blackmailers and Joe at the White House. Breitbart found that the Chinese visiting dates matched visitor logs at the White House. Hmmmm, "Sleepy Joe's" information, of course, is missing. 

A rumor has begun to circulate in Dem circles that "Sleepy Joe" is pulling campaign funds from key swing states for his defense fund. 

I am starting a rumor that Hunter has been scheduled for suicide in the same jail where Jeffrey Epstein was!

By the way, there are 40,000 Hunter emails and texts to go through.

Steve Bannon interview on OAN, the Bidens are a national security issue!

Rudy Giuliani interview on Hunter and Joe Biden


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