Thursday, October 29, 2020

2020 Presidential Election Update October 29, 2020 " The Important USC Is In, T Minus 6 Days "Biden Will Be Hidin"!


6 days to the "Biden Crime Family" is relegated to the ash heap of history!

Besides Helmut Norpoth, USC is the number two model I look for in predicting Presidential election. The USC model just came out.  Norpoth, USC and your watchman correcting called the 2016 Presidential election and I believe we calling it correctly again 2020. In 2016 and 2020 Norpoth and your watchman called the election before the national political conventions in August, USC comes out very late.. Norpoth and I saw absolutely no enthusiasm for Biden while enthusiasm for Trump has been off the charts.  Neither Norpoth, USC or myself follow any polling on major cable news or "presstitute, lame stream" media because polling is inherently flawed, manipulated and for profit. You can ask Harry Truman about that. Two evenings ago Hannity had two pollsters, one was Robert Cahaly of Trafalgar Group, (I don't remember the other guy's name) on as guests and he cut them off before they could give their winning prediction. He claimed he was out of time! Below is a previous interview Hannity did with Robert Cahaly.

Below is the USC dornslife experimental polling

The Trump prophecy video by Trey Smith is below. Kim Clement, the prophet, was absolutely correct in 2014. Thank God we have Yeshua in our corner in this upcoming election.

There is a voting bloc called the "shy Trump voter". These are suburban white and black women and they are going for Trump in even larger numbers than 2016. The reason: women want safety and security, they want to be left alone in their suburban homes and they want their children to be safe from violence. They are "law and order" voters.

Father Ed Meeks sermonizes on the 2020 election.

Patriots, I am begging you to vote Democratic.

Patriots, it is simple the Bidens are traitors.

Hunter Biden's audio confession that the Bidens are working for Chinese spy master Dr. Patrick Ho  

Remember when Dukakis was up after his convention by 17 points over George HW Bush? Bush won the electoral vote by 426 to 111.

Remember when Jimmy Carter led Reagan by 10 points over the summer of 1980? Reagan won in a historic landslide.

Don’t look now…but it’s about to happen again. The signs are everywhere. Trump is about to win an electoral landslide.

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