Sunday, October 18, 2020

2020 Presidential Election Update October 18, 2020 Biden Dam "Cracking"

15 days to Biden "crime family" destruction!

Trump is not the most famous person in the world and he says "it's not even close!". See video below, what a great President.

Bill Still Election analysis, could Trump carry Oregon?

The Trump prophecy video by Trey Smith is below. Kim Clement, the prophet, was absolutely correct in 2014. Thank God we have Yeshua in our corner in this upcoming election.

Analyst Larry Schwikert says Trump is winning by huge numbers and Dems will resort to civil war.  

Schwiekert is projecting a 5 million popular vote nationwide margin for Trump, a huge landslide. 

Schweikert says the Dems have a 1 to 1.5 million voter shortfall in swing states. 

He projects 2 to 3 million blacks will vote for Trump, a huge number. 1.1 to 1.2 million blacks voted for Trump in 2016. 

500,000 Dems are now Republican and they comprise 15% to 25% of the people at Trump's rallies. 

In North Carolina Dems are 20% behind their numbers from 2016, while Republicans are 2% higher from 2016. 

The left leaning group, AXIOS, warned the Dems not to rely on mail in voting. 

In 2012 Dems on election day led by 1 million votes in Florida. The Dems must lead in Florida by 300,000 votes this time or Trump will carry Florida by at least 200,000 votes in 2020.  

There is a voting bloc called the "shy Trump voter". These are suburban white and black women and they are going for Trump in even larger numbers than 2016. The reason: women want safety and security, they want to be left alone in their suburban homes and they want their children to be safe from violence. They are "law and order" voters.

Young voters are not interested in this election and don't care about the 2020 election. There will be 1 million fewer of them voting this year. This is the lowest number since 2000.  

Below are some early voting results that are not good for the Democrats. Historically, the Dems win early voting by registered voters by huge landslides. Early voting and mail in voting has backfired on the Dems. The Demicrats are using the Perkins Coie law firm in D.C. (sound familiar) They have launched over 300 lawsuits nationwide challenging the votes coming in. Is this a sign of desperation on their part. Below are some early voting results.


Michigan           1 million                40%                      40%

Ohio                  475,000                   45%                      43%

Wisconsin         712,000                   40%                      38%

Remember when Dukakis was up after his convention by 17 points over George HW Bush? Bush won the electoral vote by 426 to 111.

Remember when Jimmy Carter led Reagan by 10 points over the summer of 1980? Reagan won in a historic landslide.

Don’t look now…but it’s about to happen again. The signs are everywhere. Trump is about to win an electoral landslide.

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