Monday, October 12, 2020

2020 Presidential Election Update October 12, 2020 "Don't Kid Yourself"

22 days to Biden's destruction

OMG, no one showed up! See the link below.

Gallup poll link below

Red state vs. Blue state link below

I was correct back in 2016. I'll be right again this November 3rd. Despite all the faulty polls showing a Trump double-digit loss, I believe President Trump is on his way to a landslide electoral victory, bigger than in 2016. And I can prove it below.

Democrats behind the scenes are scared and getting more desperate by the day. Because there are so many signs of a coming Trump victory.

The signs are everywhere.

Polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans don’t want to defund police. They want law and order. They support police. Even 80% of black voters overwhelmingly disagree with defunding police.

Does anyone with a brain or common sense think this is a good sign for Biden or Democrats? Do you think all these Americans who support the police; and want more law and order; and want more funding for police, not less; are leaning to “law and order Trump,” or “defund the police Biden?”

Polls show 83% of Americans support President Trump and Housing Secretary Dr. Ben Carson’s ending Obama’s program to fill the suburbs with high-density low-income housing, bringing crime and drugs to the neighborhoods of suburban moms and dads.

Does anyone with a brain or common sense think this is a good sign for Biden or Democrats? Do you think all these millions of suburban American homeowners who don’t want to see their home values destroyed; or their neighborhoods turned into war zones like Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore; are going to vote enthusiastically for Joe Biden?

Remember Biden’s presidential platform actually puts in writing his goal to supercharge Obama’s “destroy the suburbs” program. Biden wants to bring Frankenstein back to life, except twice as big. Goodbye to your safe, peaceful suburban life. Trump wants to protect your neighborhood. I wonder who suburban moms and dads will vote for?

But there are more signs.

The race to escape the big city crime wave and rioting-looting is accelerating at warp speed. Ask any suburban realtor. Ask any moving company. Everyone with any kind of ability to move, is “getting out of Dodge.” The escape from Democrat-controlled big cities is so huge, it is the trend of 2020.

Even liberal New Yorkers are running for their lives. Shootings are up 76% in the past year in New York City. Murders are skyrocketing. The purchase of bulletproof vests is up by over 80% in NYC. You think these people are voting for Biden?

But it’s not just New York. Everyone is selling their homes and moving away from every Democrat big city- Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis. Defund police? The only group getting defunded is Democrat politicians and government bureaucrats. Bye bye to tax revenues.

Does anyone with a brain or common sense think this is a good sign for Biden or Democrats? Do you really believe most of these people are running for their lives from deep blue Democrat cities for the safety of red Republican suburbs, just so they can vote for Biden and the Democrats?

According to Rasmussen 72% of likely voters are concerned with violence in major cities. 62% say it will affect their vote. Do you think this is a good sign for Democrats who support BLM and Antifa and claim there is no violence?

And then there’s the guns. America is sold out of guns. And bullets too. There is nothing left. Since Covid and the rioting struck, every gun and bullet in this country has been bought up. All-time gun sale records in the history of America have been broken month after month. Everyone is locked and loaded.

Does anyone with a brain or common sense think this is a good sign for Biden or Democrats? Do you think any of these record-setting gun buyers is voting for Basement Biden, Kamala Harris, and Beto O’Rourke, Biden’s gun czar who will be in charge of forcefully taking away our guns?

Then there’s Kamala Harris. A recent CNN poll shows a 21-point shift away from Biden among non-white voters after he picked Kamala as VP. Yes, I said non-white voters.

Finally, there’s the Democrat Convention. After hearing from all the big guns- Michelle and Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Jill Biden and Kamala Harris, a Rasmussen poll showed Trump moving from 47% to 51% approval. Clearly, the more Democrats speak, the more voters are repelled.

Remember when Dukakis was up after his convention by 17 points over George HW Bush? Bush won the electoral vote by 426 to 111.

Remember when Jimmy Carter led Reagan by 10 points over the summer of 1980? Reagan won in a historic landslide.

Don’t look now…but it’s about to happen again. The signs are everywhere. Trump is about to win an electoral landslide.

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