Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Trump The Trumpet

The Balfour Declaration was written in the jubilee year of 1917.

General Allenbee occupied Ottoman ruled Jerusalem in the jubilee year of 1917, the month was December. At the last minute Allenbee decided not to enter the "Eastern Gate" of Jerusalem because he said it was reserved for Yeshua Hamaschiach to enter through the "Eastern Gate" at Jesus's second coming.

In November 1947 the United Nations passed resolution 181 dividing Palestine between the Jews and Arabs.

Fifty years after 1917, a jubilee year, the Israelis occupied Jerusalem during the 6 day war from 5 to 10 June 1967.

During the double jubilee, on 6 December 2017 President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Hence Trump was the Jubilee Shofar or trumpet.  

Friends, a debt jubilee is coming, in fact it is already here because people cannot pay their student loan debt, credit card debt, rent and mortgages.

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