Thursday, September 10, 2020

Misconceptions and Preconceptions About 9/11 and Trumpet Call To The Nations

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Trumpet Call to the Nations: Global 9/11 Prayer for America

September 11, 2020 – 1200 UTC, 5 am PT, 7 am CT, 8 am ET USA, 7 pm Jakarta, 3 pm Jerusalem


Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

America is in a fight for her life! Under the guise of racial justice protests, Marxist agitators working through Antifa and Black Lives Matter as well as other communist-inspired organizations are trying to burn down U.S. cities and throw the country into revolutionary chaos as they have long planned. They are being supported and financed by globalist elites wanting to create a socialist New World Order that aspires to control everyone on earth in a totalitarian system of world government. Overt satanism and witchcraft are also involved along with Islamic radicals in this attempted take-down of America, its government, and way of life. The November 3 national election will be the most important one in our national history because it will determine whether the USA will become the willing tool of these forces or continue to stand for Judeo-Christian values, freedom, and human rights within this country and throughout our world.


How glad we in the American prayer movement were to hear that our Indonesian brothers and sisters in Christ want to rally the global Body of Christ to pray for America during this crucial time. Indonesian and American prayer leaders will co-host a global online prayer call via Youtube called “Trumpet Call to the Nations: Global 9/11 Prayer for America ”". We will start in Jerusalem and be led from there to several American cities for a time of repentance and prayer over the USA. 

Potus Shield is a principal participant in this with our International and US ecclesia. We are grateful to all of the networks answering the call around the world and we are declaring that this Global prayer initiative is a major contributing force to our assignment as " spiritual midwives" to push through the birthing of the Hezekiah MIracle Moment at this special time. 


Please join us on September 11th, for this urgent 9/11 time of seeking God’s face for the deliverance of America.


We need all hands-on-deck for this crucial initiative. Hope you can join with us for this unique opportunity to connect with the Sovereign Lord of the universe, and with Him, shape the future through united prayer.


Yours in Christ,


Daniel Pandji

My Home Indonesia


John Robb

International Prayer Council

National Prayer Assembly (USA)


Frank Amedia,

Potus Shield, USA 

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