Friday, September 11, 2020

9/11 Suspects

Seven Questions to Evaluate Nineteen 9/11 Suspects - 911Truth.Org %

James Corbett did a marvelous job producing and writing "9/11 Suspects, it is one of his masterpieces. It is a long video but I think you will enjoy it. I believe the following people involved in 9/11 and the subsequent 9/11 investigation should be charged with the following crimes.

1. President George Bush charges: murder and treason.

The best bush 9/11 memes :) Memedroid

2. Rudy Giuliani charge: murder

Possible future US president Ted Cruz says he traded classic rock for  country because 9/11 - boing - Boing Boing BBS

3. Philip Zelikow charges: obstruction of justice and war criminal 

The Government Reports on 9-11: Did They Get It Right? - ppt download

Zelikow wrote an anonymous treatise entitled "National Security Strategy of the United States of America".  His treatise called for pre-emptive attacks against nations that did not pose a direct strategic threat to the United States. Zelikow's treatise laid the foundation for the future U.S. attack against Iraq. His book turned post 9/11 U.S. military doctrine upside down. He also directed the 9/11 commission staff and gave direction to the commission. He forbade staff members from communicating with commission members. 

Thomas Kean, chairman and Lee Hamilton, commission member, did not know that Zelikow wrote the book "National Security Strategy of the United States of America".  Zelikow's book proved Zelikow had a direct conflict of interest by serving on the 9/11 commission and when his background was discovered by relatives of 9/11 victims they sought to have him removed. Unlike with Kissinger their efforts failed. Zelikow and his professor, Ernest May wrote a complete outline of the final 9/11 commission report before the very first meeting of the commission proving that the die was cast and the commission could not investigate deeply and find the truth about 9/11.

In the Nov/Dec 1998 edition of "Foreign Affairs" Zelikow along the Ashton Carter and John Deutch wrote an article entitled "Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger." The authors imagined a Pearl Harbor event like the destruction of the World Trade Center Towers. Such an event they wrote would instill in the memory of Americans a before and after divide. Like Americans of the Pearl Harbor generation all Americans would remember where they were on 9/11. They maintained that the myth of Pearl Harbor was fading from the public's memory and a new myth had to be created. They wrote that such an event would cause the U.S. government to impose draconian measures, scale back civil liberties, impose wide surveillance upon U.S. citizens, detain terrorist suspects and impose deadly force on terrorists abroad.

✝️ TheBadDadder 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "7️⃣2️⃣ Henry Kissinger, member of CFR,  Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group laid out clear plan. Those  seeking power over us want us to fear so that we

4. Henry Kissinger charges: treason and war criminal

Henry was initially named to lead the 9/11 commission but family members of victims objected and had him removed. 

9 /11 Suspects: Robert Baer | I robert, Truth or false, Inside job

5. Robert Baer, charge: accessory after the crime 

retired CIA Middle East operative Baer was portrayed by George Clooney in the movie Syriana. Baer infamously told an interviewer in a video that he knew a man who sold all his stock holdings on Sept. 10, 2001, the day before the attacks. Baer said his friend's brother worked in the White House. In subsequent years Baer implied the 9/11 attacks could have been an inside job. He said, It seemed all the elements were there for an inside job or words to that effect.

Shoestring 9/11: The Actions and Inactions of the Commander in Charge of  the U.S. Air Defense Failure on 9/11

6. General Ralph Eberhart, U.S. Air Force, charges: lying to Congress, obstruction of justice and dereliction of duty. 

General Eberhart led 28 NORAD hijacking exercises. On September 10, 2001 he lowered the Infocon level to 5, the lowest threat level. Infocon is different Defcon threat level. On 9/11 he failed to implement U.S. Air Force control over U.S. airspace. General Eberhard, on 9/11 drove from Peterson Air Force Base to Norad Cheyenne Mountain Air Station. During the middle of the 9/11 attacks, at 0930, he began driving. During part of his drive he lost communcations contact with NORAD. It him 45 minutes to drive to NORAD, a trip that should have taken 30 minutes. General Eberhart, on 9/11, at 0945 hours grounded all fighter jets in the U.S. rather then ordering the fighter jets to scramble for battle. General Eberhart did not turn over his documents to investigative authorities. 

The DANCING ISRAELIS It Was Reported in the New York Times That a Group of  Five Men Had Set Up Video Cameras Aimed at the Twin Towers Prior to the  Attack on

7. "The Dancing Israelis" charge: spying against the U.S.

"The Dancing Israelis" were the following five people: 

1. Sivan Kurzberg

2. Paul Kurzberg

3. Yaron Shmuel

4. Odded Ellner

5. Omer Mamari

Apparently the five men were Mossad operatives who were sent to the U.S. to gather intelligence informaton prior to the 9/11 attacks and to document the 9/11 event. They worked for a company called Urban Moving. The owner of Urban Moving fled to Israel when the government began to investigate him and "the dancing Israelis". The Israelis were detained 71 days before being deported back to Israel. The question is why were they a "distraction" and what were the Israelis really up to? Some 60 Israelis were arrested or detained after 9/11. Another 140 Israelis were arrested or detained after attempting to penetrate U.S. military facilities and several were experts in "wire tapping". All of these Israelis were part of the largest spy ring operating in the United States. Some analysts ask the question "how could the Israelis not know 9/11 was going to occur?"   

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