Thursday, August 27, 2020

Why I Am Voting For Donald J. Trump

 politics trump achievements Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

This list is not in the order of priority

1.  Suspended travel to and from China when the Chinese Communist Party Virus began to spread worldwide

2.  Created 9.3 million jobs in the last 3 months

3.  Built 300 miles of wall with Mexico

4.  Will not surrender the U.S. economically to globalists

5.  Appointed over 200 federal judges

6.  Made the U.S. a net exported of oil and natural gas

7.  Negotiated the first Middle East peace deal in 25 years

8.  Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

9.  Recognized Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem

10.           Got Netanyahu to postpone annexation of 30% of the West Bank

Donald Trump Accomplishments Meme | TRUMP MEMES LIBRARY | Flickr

11.           Killed the terrorists al Baghdadi and Sulemeini

12.           Routed ISIS

13.           Got Mexico to stop the flow of illegal immigrants to the U.S.

14.           Nominated two judges for the U.S. Supreme Court

15.           Trump stood up to Communist China militarily

16.           Trump is concerned about freedom in Hong Kong

17.           Turned the Republican Party towards the middle class and working men and women

18.           Believes in “America First”, he is not a globalist

19.           Defends and expresses U.S. interests abroad

Trump Accomplishments Values Meme | TRUMP MEMES LIBRARY | Flickr

20.           Trump has had thousands of pedophiles arrested

21.           Trump supports our Black citizens and welcomed them back to the Republican Party

22.           Created Operation “Lady Justice” supporting Native Americans in finding their missing and murdered relatives

23.            Repealed Biden's terrible crime reform bill and reformed federal law with Senator Rand Paul, allowing offenders of petty crimes a second chance

24.           Senator Rand Paul says Trump just doesn’t talk, he gets things done

25.           Trump is a law and order man and vows to stop the rioting and lawlessness

26.           Trump has not started any new wars

27.           Trump is pro life

28.           Cracked down on foreign drug dealers (Taotao Zhang and 24 Chinese companies) through the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Act

29.           Is draining “the swamp” and the “deep state”; those creatures hate Trump

Defying All Odds - An Unbiased Account Of The Impressive Accomplishments Of  President Donald J. Trump! AAA+++ by Manuel Braschi | NOOK Book (eBook) |  Barnes & Noble®

30.           Is making NATO members pay their fair share of defense costs.

31.           Wants to withdraw troops from Germany where we have been for 75 years

32.           Got the leader of North Korea to talk to the U.S.

33.           Had over six hostages released from foreign countries

34.           Started the Space Command

35.           Helped put astronauts into space for the first time in 25 years

36.           Fights the “fake news” for American citizens

37.     Rebuilt the U.S. military

38.     Kept his promise to help veterans

39.     Created "Operation Legend" to crack down on murderers and gangsters     

BLACK REPUBLICAN BLOG: Trump's List: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months,  'relentless' promise-keeping

40.      Cut down on federal regulations

41.      Provided a quick response to the CCP Virus

If you can think of anything to add to this list please let me know.

Just a few of Trumps accomplishments - Imgflip

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