Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Who Will Be The Ezekiel 38 Aggressor?


I think I agree with Pastor Cioccolanti on the Ezekiel 38 aggressor issue. 

The Western view is that Russia will be the aggressor. I think Putin would have to leave office for that to occur and that could happen. The Eastern view is that Turkey/Gomer (the revived Ottoman Empire) will be the aggressor. Keep in mind God says in the Bible that the anti-christ receives a fatal head wound and miracously recovers. The Ottoman Empire died in 1923 (fatal antichrist system head wound) and Erdogan is now trying to revive the Ottoman Empire. Turkey was once a staunch NATO ally and friend of Israel and historic enemy of Russia. Turkey is no longer Israel's friend, buys weapons from Russia, illegally intervenes in Syria and Libya and aggressively squabbles over oil and natural gas in the eastern Mediterranean. Erdogan in recent weeks turned the Eastern Orthodox Basilica Hagia Sophia into a Muslim mosque. It has been a museum since Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's rule, thus angering Eastern Orthodox Christians. Turkey like Russia is directly north of Israel. 

I will admit, it is also possible that with a change of regime in Russia both Russia and Turkey and their allies attack a wealthy Israel looking for spoils and plunder.

As I always say, keep your eyes on Jerusalem and the Middle East. It is where God's actions occur. e.g. UAE and Israel peace agreement. 


The Gog Magog War - Ezekiel 38 & 29 - dandude.com | Germany poland ...

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