Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Live Air to Air Missile Found In Lakeland, Fl.

Live missile found at Lakeland Linder International Airport awaits ...

I can freely talk about PAL, this because the information has been declassified. During the administration of John F. Kennedy (JFK) a live U.S. nuclear weapon was found in a nuclear weapons depot in Germany and this alarmed the President. There were also nuclear incidents in other parts of the world. For example, undetonated nuclear weapons lie in the ocean off the coast of the Carolinas and Spain.  

JFK decided to institute a system called PAL. It was composed of an A team and a B team each team possessed a digital code that when combined activated a nuclear weapon. Neither team knew the other team's code. 

Live missile found at Lakeland airport awaits disposal at MacDill

So this is not the first time we have had nuclear incidents. In fact, one of the main reasons for the hot phone between Washington and Moscow was the fact that the U.S. discovered that UFOs were penetrating Soviet air defenses without Soviet knowledge and activating or crippling ICBMs. The U.S. was concerned that this would lead to an accidental nuclear exchange.

Live' missile found on Lakeland Linder Airport property - YouTube

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