Friday, August 14, 2020

Presidential Election Update Aug. 14, 2020

 2016 Presidential Election Actual Results

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Above, is the 2016 Presidential electoral results

Reader comment: It is interesting how British conservatives rule while American conservatives are elected to office to wit: Thatcher and Reagan; although he did not serve but led Brexit conservative Nigel Farag and Trump; and Boris Johnson and Trump..............J.S. 

Reader comment: It's Not just being ahead in the polls, the Demoncrats are working on Voter Fraud and a Coup.
Plus, we Have to Win the people back from their Deranged Demonic Marxist, Muslim Anti-America & Family HateAnti-Christian & Jewish Hate, etc. By Countering their Endless Lies with the Truth. And Reforming the Corrupted Extremely Subversive Schools, Colleges, Churches, Media, Hollywood, Government, etc.........J

The reason the polls are skewed is because pollsters are projecting a 24% Republican turnout. In the 2016 and 2018 elections 33% of Republicans turned out to vote. Bill Still thinks more than 33% of Republicans will turn out in 2020. 

Moreover, a recent poll of black voters reflected that 33% of black voters will not vote for Biden because of Kamala and her record of incarcerating blacks for minor crimes in California. 

In 2016 Trump got 8% of the black vote, it looks like he will get more black votes this time. 

Also, according to Bill Still, it is a law and order election and suburban moms who voted for Hillary the last time will vote for Trump this time. 

Reportedly the Dems have 600 attorneys standing by to challenge the election results

Bill Still's video link is below.

Below, you will see the Quinnipiac University poll from 25 Aug. 2016. You can see how wrong it was then and almost all of the polls are wrong now.

In your Watchman's opinion as of Aug. 14, 2020 barring a "Yuge" catastrophe of some sort and wholesale voter (mail in) fraud Trump wins in a landslide by a larger margin than in 2016. 

Trump's announcement of a peace deal between Israel and the UAE helps his cause plus the looming indictments against treasonous govt. officials from Obama's administration. Biden has the Ukraine scandal hanging over his head and other corruption issues. Who knows what skeletons Kamala has in her closet.

I would not be surprised if Biden steps down as the Democratic candidate for health reasons so that the radical Democrats can have Kamala as the presidential candidate. "Sleepy Joe", in my opinion, won't go easily or voluntarily!

  D Alex on Twitter: "Trump Got 91% Chance Of Winning The ...


2016 electoral vote                            306
Colorado                                                 9 newly added
Oregon                                                    7
Nevada                                                    6
New Mexico                                            5
Minnesota                                             10
Maine                                                      4
New Hampshire                                      4

Total                                                    351       
"Sleepy Joe"                                        187

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