Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Kamala's Great Grand Parents Owned Hundreds Of Slaves

Did U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris' Ancestor Own Slaves in Jamaica?

Above, a list of Hamilton Brown's slaves

Kamala Harris on Dem Reparations - Imgflip

Hamilton Brown, information from Snopes

The slave owner at the heart of Kamala's controversy died in Jamaica on Sept. 18, 1843, “in the sixty-eighth year of his age.” His headstone is located in St. Mark’s Anglican (Church of England) cemetery in Brown’s Town and establishes that he was born, likely in 1776, in County Antrim, in what is now Northern Ireland.

A contemporary news report indicated he first immigrated to Jamaica in or around 1795. According to a National Library of Jamaica entry, Brown “started out humbly as an estate book-keeper and rose to become a large landowner.” He was the founder of Brown’s Town in St. Ann’s parish, which he represented in the colonial House of Assembly for 22 years.

He also owned many slaves. According to one document, held by the U.K. National Archives, Brown owned at least 121 slaves in 1826, comprising 74 females and 47 males. In 1817, he owned at least 124 slaves, made up of 74 females and 50 males. According to records held by the “Legacies of British Slave-Ownership” project at University College London (UCL), Brown was at various times the owner, manager, or executor of several dozen plantations and estates on the island of Jamaica. 

Brown was also a steadfast slavery apologist. In contributions to the colonial House of Assembly, he opposed efforts, emanating from mainland Britain (where slavery was by then widely opposed), to “interfere” in the slave trade in Jamaica. In one 1823 speech, he lashed out at the “hypocrisy” and “cloven foot” of William Wilberforce, a British M.P. widely regarded as the hero of the anti-slavery abolitionist movement. 

This in turn would mean that Hamilton Brown, a man born on the island of Ireland in the late 18th century and a prominent and powerful slave owner, had racially mixed grandchildren, after fathering a daughter (Mary Melvina) with a woman whose name did not appear on the baptismal certificate.

Yet another reason for me to stay away from the party I quit - Imgflip

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