Saturday, July 4, 2020

Chi Coms Furnishing Weapons To Antifa and BLM

What is Antifa? | News | Al Jazeera

arack Obama, a “sleeper cell” president who had been meticulously plotting to see American overthrown and destroyed, launched Operation Fast and Furious in 2009, under the control of DOJ AG Eric Holder, a treasonous criminal who continues to work to undermine America today. Under operation Fast and Furious, the ATF was ordered to allow Mexican drug gangs to purchase high-caliber weapons from U.S. gun dealers in Arizona. These guns, Obama and Holder knew, would later be used in gun crimes in the United States, allowing President Obama to decry “gun violence” and call for new restrictions on the Second Amendment.
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In essence, this operation was a way for Barack Obama to put heavy weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. We have since learned that the narcos are being trained by communist Chinese military instructors, completing the circle of anti-America warfare tactics that involve both China and Mexico.Remember that China has, for many years, been engaged in chemical warfare against the United States of America through the manufacture and distribution of fentanyl, a highly toxic drug that is right now killing over 60,000 Americans a year (that’s more than all the U.S. casualties of the Vietnam War combined). But how is fentanyl brought into the United States? Mexican drug cartels and smuggling routes which are protected by Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom as part of their “open borders” policies. (The narcos pay tens of millions of dollars each year to California Democrats to maintain the open borders policy for drug smuggling and human trafficking.)
Importantly, these same routes will be used by the communist Chinese to invade the United States of America once the civil war achieves sufficient destabilization. That’s why China is dumping full-auto weapon mods into the continental United States — because it’s a destabilizing vector that will lead to mass chaos, death and blood in the streets. This will set the stage for Chinese-trained narcos to invade Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, aided by the guns they acquired via Obama’s Operation Fast and Furious.
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