Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Some Facts About The Spanish Flu (SF)

How Oklahoma City reacted to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic
First, the pandemic was falsely named the “Spanish Flu” (SF).
Although, the SF infected 1/3 of the world’s population, no one knows much about it. It exterminated approximately 3% of the Earth’s population.
One of the few ways virologists learned about SF was to exhume frozen bodies of victims near the Arctic Circle that were buried in a solid layer of ice known as permafrost.
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Like the Chinese Communist Party Virus (CCPV), or if you will the Wuhan Virus (WV), the SF went straight to the lungs, victims immune systems went into a panic and filled the respiratory system with fluid and a bloody froth. The faces of victims turned blue from under-oxygenated blood. The dead were often found lying in the street, bleeding from the mouth or nose. They died of suffocation.
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All living things, including viruses, have one thing in common, they want to reproduce. The SF was mild until it mutated and then it became a vicious serial killer. Viruses do not want to die with their victims. That’s why ultimately the SF disappeared and it is probably why the WV will disappear.
In the end, after three increasingly deadly waves of infection, the virus mysteriously vanished. There were no postmortems because virology was in its infant stage. Many of the dead simply rotted, unexamined by doctors who also feared the virus.  The SF’s genetic fingerprints were never found.
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