Monday, April 27, 2020

A New Word of Knowledge From The Lord

The Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge - ppt video online ...
Friends, here is what the Lord told me and quite frankly I do not understand some of what God is saying. If you have any Godly knowledge please make a comment.


My people cry out and say they are afraid. Satan has afflicted them with the spirit of fear. My people say they have no protection. I will make the American economy roar back. America has been humbled. Where are my people gathered? (As you know there is a problem with people gathering together). Where is the sound of unity from my people? Where is the sound of victory from my people? Wealth will be taken from the wicked.


Another Snowden will arise and disclose highly embarrassing


“I am not impressed with your weapons of war, I am not impressed with the strength of your army’s legs.” I will bring Communist China to it’s knees! You in America shall hear the sound of a great victory.


During a 3 week period the debt issue shall slowly come to the fore, the people shall say how do we kill the “Giant” (Goliath) of debt and socialism? The brothers of the “Giant” (Communist China and its allies) stand in glee watching the U.S. saying we will cripple the U.S., saying the U.S. will lose its credit. But God says watch, I said 20 thousand! America, don’t look to Wall Street but observe. Americans will say what is your plan for the “Giant”? I will take a simple “Stone”, remember the name. He will hold it up and they will laugh at him but his plan is brilliant. His plan could only be given by Me, your God. The most amazing days are coming, see that no man deceives you.

I have placed a man among you, a humble man. As Samuel stood before the brothers they rejected David because of his young age and so this man is young. Those who reject him will be (pleasantly) shocked by how he takes the “Giant” down. The name and the word will be “Gold”. What was meant for evil will be turned for good. The wealth of the wicked was always meant for the hands of the righteous.

2 Chronicles Chap 7 verse 14
14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 

10 The city of confusion is broken down: every house is shut up, that no man may come in.

11 There is a crying for wine in the streets; all joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone.

Spiritual Gifts: Word of Knowledge Word of Wisdom Discerning of ...

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