Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Woe To The Inhabitants of Earth

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Let me begin by saying that we are fresh out of Isaiahs and Jeremiahs. We modern prophetic voices can get it wrong. Many of you, however, regard me as a reliable prophetic voice, so here is what I believe I'm getting tonight.
Although the virus is real, the fear is way out of proportion to the actual threat. I believe and feel in the spirit that when this virus panic winds down there will be some kind of exposure of wickedness and manipulation. Something hidden will be brought to light. This has been an attempt to collapse the economy to make way for something else, but it will fail.
It will fail because the saints of God were alerted to dedicate a day to prayer for the nation. Credit our president for declaring a national day of prayer. Disaster will be averted, and that very quickly in response to the prayers of those who hear and respond to the president's declaration.
In the end, some will be embarrassed at the outcome of it all. God is hearing our prayers. He receives our cries. Let them be cries of repentance for spiritual slumber on the part of the church, for lukewarm devotion, for immorality and for compromise. Let it be repentance for the sins of the nation and for the sins of the body of Christ. But let it also be prayers of authority for wickedness in high places to be exposed. Let it be prayers of authority over the virus itself.
The Lord prophesied this season to me in December, 2016. I shared it with my people and I shared it on Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural". The Lord never prophesies the future just to be prophesying the future. He does it to prepare His people. Let us rise to the occasion. Devote tomorrow, Sunday, March 15, to prayer.

Image result for woe to the inhabitants of the earth kjv

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