Monday, February 24, 2020

Test Kits For WV Don't Work

Only 3 states are able to test for the WV. Even these 3 states are not getting accurate results for the following reasons:
  • There is no test for antibodies only the presence of the virus
  • The testing is via nasal swab
  • Covid19 rarely causes upper respiratory symptoms but instead replicates in the lower lungs
  • Because of this there is not enough of a viral load to be detected by nasal swabs
  • The criteria for testing people is very limited
  • To be tested a patent must have recent travel to China or be in close contact with someone who traveled there.
  • If the travel requirements are met and the patient is showing symptoms, then they will be tested.
  • This means many cases may be undiagnosed in the USA
  • Possible mutation in Iran and Italy due to increased virulence
  • Hibiclens is ineffective against virus
  • Hydrogen peroxide, 62 to 71% ethanol, or bleach water solution are effective against virus
  • Stays active on surfaces for 9 days....................T

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