Saturday, February 8, 2020

All Chinese Ports Closed! WV Attacks Ace Sites In The Lungs

Image result for active site ace enzyme

It looks like the Wuhan Virus (WV) has an insert that attacks the human body ace sites. Apparently the Chinese people who we saw drop dead in videos were victims of a WV Ace attack that gave them deadly heart attacks . Ace sites are located mainly in the capillaries of the lungs but can also be found in endothelial and kidney epithelial cells. Other less known functions of ACE are degradation of bradykinin and amyloid beta-protein.
China represents 16% of the world's GDP, at the minimum Chinese supply distribution routes are severely impacted. Personally, I believe the WV is causing a "great depression" in China. The result could be a boom for American manufacturing. It is unknown at this point in time how longit will take China to recover economically.   
1. Food for thought, are the Chinese Communists deliberately thinning their herd?
2. Was this virus caused by the Tong and Green Dragons attacking the Illuminati or vice versa? The Tong and Green Dragons talked about such an attack approximately 5 years ago.
3. This is what happens to a country that persecutes God's church!
4. This maybe a sign, pestilence, that we are entering the "End Times"!

Image result for all Chinese ports closed

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