Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Funeral Director's Story

Image result for children dying from vaccines

"My hubby and I went to M&M Meat Shop, to pick up something quick and easy for supper. There was an older gentleman in a suit there still deciding what he wanted so he said I could go first. The cashier lady had quite a bad cough and said she has had it for about 2 months now and so I asked her if she got that flu going around this year and told her about how sick I got from it this year. She said she hadn't and asked me if I got the flu shot. I laughed and said "I am probably the most anti-flu shot person you will ever meet." I then added on "I don't even vaccinate my kids anymore!"
I told her about what vaccines did to my daughter. She was very shocked and said "Good for you for not vaccinating any more of your kids, I never believed in those things."
She then pointed to the man in the suit and told me he is her friend and is a funeral director/embalmer here in town. She told him to tell me what he told her about what he knows about vaccines.
He started to tell me how he noticed almost 20 years ago, that he started to see a large increase of deceased old people during flu shot season and has had several of the deceased family members actually mention to him that their mother or father was doing fine until they had the flu shot and then took an immediate turn for the worst.
He then said that he knows damn well that he has had babies who had died from vaccines. He has been an undertaker for over 35 years and his father was a funeral director and passed his business on to him so he has been in and around the business his whole life. When he was young and was helping and being trained by his father, around 40 years ago, he said that crib death was EXTREMELY rare. It was so rare that his father had only seen 2 cases in his entire career and the babies were born sickly.
He noticed sometime in the 80's that it started to become quite common to get babies who supposedly died of "SIDS". He couldn't understand why there was such a sudden increase in infant deaths. He started to put two and two together when he had a couple tell them that their baby was vaccinated just before she died and they knew that it was what caused their babies death. The next few times he had a baby’s funeral he asked the parents if their baby was by any chance recently vaccinated and in every case they all said yes. He has never had a baby in there that was unvaccinated except for one that was still born.
I asked him if he has ever had a kid in there that died from polio, measles or chicken pox? He said neither him or his father have ever seen or heard of any other undertaker friends who have had a death related to any of those illnesses, even before there was vaccine for them.
He then told me that once he started looking into vaccines, he found that they included formaldehyde, the embalming chemical, as an ingredient, among many other equally as carcinogenic and neurotoxic ingredients.
I knew this already but it was still cool hearing it come from an undertaker who knows all about these chemicals and what effects they have on our bodies. He has never vaccinated his kids and his kids don't vaccinate his grand kids. Think about that for a second, he and his father had never seen a baby or kid that had died of polio, measles or chicken pox, even before they ever had a vaccine to "prevent" these illnesses. However, e hhas had babies who suddenly died mysteriously who had vaccines.
Parents please at the very least listen to the professionals who are speaking out about what they know and what they have seen with their own eyes. It is not normal for perfectly healthy babies to just die and it is not just a coincidence that babies are dropping in record numbers across North America in the most heavily vaccinated continent in the world."

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