Monday, August 26, 2019

Trump Says He Might Impose The Emergency Economic Powers Act Against China

Image result for emergency economic powers act

Friends and Patriots, 

I think the "lame stream media, presstitutes and most American citizens are missing what President Trump is doing. Trump views communist China as a national and international security concern. He is dismantling the Red Chinese manufacturing infrastructure like the Illuminati did to the U.S. Trump recognizes China is a threat to all of Asia and ultimately the U.S.

President Trump defended his declaration on Friday that American companies were “hereby ordered” to find alternatives to manufacturing in China, claiming that the 1977 International Emergency Economic Powers Act gave him the power to make such a pronouncement. Trump had previously cited the 1977 Act, which gives the president the power to regulate commerce during exceptional international crises, earlier Friday before departing for the Group of Seven (G-7) summit in France.
Claude Barfield, an expert in international trade policy at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), told The Hill that Trump doesn’t have any authorities to direct U.S. companies to move their businesses to the United States. 
 Image result for emergency economic powers act

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