Saturday, May 25, 2019

The "Russia Gate" Conspiracy Is Huge! Le complot de la "porte de la Russie" est énorme!

Image result for MI6 spying on the U.S.

Watchman comment: I thank one of my loyal readers for posting my comments to 8Chan for Q followers.

Friends and patriots, below is an interview with two professional NSA intelligence analysts who I highly respect and admire, Bill Binney and Larry Johnson. I urge everyone to watch this interview in full to grasp the entire scope of "Russia Gate". Here are some of the main take aways from their interview.

3 minute and 25 second mark of the video: It was the British, not the Russians, who interferred in our 2016 election via MI6 and Chris Steele.

16 minute 10 second mark of the video Binney states that NSA knows where every (computer/electronic) device is in the world! Remember Binney is a retired technical director from NSA!

17 minute 27 second mark of the video, John McCain tried to invoke Article 5 of NATO to get NATO to declare war on Russia alleging that the Russians hacked the 2016 U.S. election, hence an act of war. Article 5 of NATO requires all the members of NATO to go to war against an enemy.

20 minute and 25 second mark Obama deliberately had the NSA install a "device" to take down the entire Russian infrastructure. If activated this "device" would have caused a nuclear war with Russia. I would speculate that the device was a computer worm similar to "Stuxnet."  Stuxnet and other computer worms were used by the U.S. and Israel used to take down Iran's nuclear program. Computer worms can take down a nation's entire electrical power, water grid and other infrastructure targets. 

38 minute 48 second mark of the video the Atlantic Council used their "Digital Research Lab" (DRL) division in their spying process. The DRL works with NATO and Stratcom. They also used "Crowd Strike" to spy on numerous Republicans. The principal official at Crowd Strike is Dimitri Palavich who hates Putin and Russia.

Forty minutes 25 second mark of the video Barbara Boyd states "Russia Gate" was an international operation via MI6 to spy on Republicans and designed to start a new cold war with Russia. 

Forty two minutes and 15 seconds the intelligence community was routinely and deliberately lying to President Trump.

Binney and his colleagues tested the transfer rate of the data and it was impossible to transfer the data to Russia at such a slow rate. The Democratic National Committee data had to be put on a thumb drice or CD Rom and given to Wikileaks. also verified this fact that the date was hand carried. Thus, it was not hacked by Russia. 

We should be investigating the British and MI6 role in colluding with the Democratic party and Hillary Clinton.

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