Thursday, May 9, 2019

The False Teachings of the Talmud; Las falsas enseñanzas del Talmud

Image result for the lying talmud

Reader comment: Hey Brother you threw some hard truths out this morning.  I have been reading this same things in research.  Loving Christians have been dupped into supporting 'God's' people by Haggee and others who are Jews first.    It is a sad thing to realize.

Zionism is a good term for who they are, many of our politician are Israel first , with a duel citizenship and supportive of another country over our own country.

Be assured President Trump is well aware and knows America has been conned into fighting Israel's wars with our good soldiers. This is a big issue and we will soon see it resolved.      

Also, there is very good evidence that the Talmud followers are not biblical Jew but the Jews who say they are Jews , but are not.  These people have been around for many years and started many wars where people were killed.  

God Bless, G....................
Friends, I am not an anti-semite. I fully support and financially help the Messianic Jews in Israel, specifically Maoz Israel. However, Israel is a lost nation and the book of Revelation says that 2/3 of the Jews will be wiped out in the Great Tribulation. By the way, Tel Aviv is now the largest gay city in the Middle East. I cannot in good conscious support Godless activity by anyone. 
Furthermore, unlike John Hagee, I believe the gospel should be preached to the Jews and all Godless people. 
I believe there are almost no true practicing Jews in the world, if there were they would be sacrificing animals and following their Bibles. Almost all Jews follow the teachings of men, their rabbis, via the Talmud. 
Ask yourself why the Jews in Israel persecute the Messianic Jews who live there. It is because they hate Israeli Christians and Yeshua Hamashiach. This is a very difficult issue for Christians and only Yeshua can sort it out. 

Israel is indoctrinating its children in the Talmud.

Israel is looking for a military messiah.

Israel trains its soldiers to be racists.

Image result for the lying talmud

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