Monday, May 13, 2019

Saudi Arabians Try The Ole False Flag Trick; alsaeudiuwn yujribun khideat aleilm alzzayifa

Saudi Arabia has claimed one of its oil tankers with crude oil bound for the U.S. was damaged from a “sabotage attack” in the Persian Gulf escalating already high tensions in the region between America and Iran. The incident comes on the heels of U.S. intelligence revealing Iran was planning to “disrupt and attack American and partner interests in the region.” The situation is so volatile that the U.K. is warning a major conflict might break out "by accident!” 
Image result for venezuela false flag
In your Watchman's opinion, Saudi Arabi is the number one terrorist nation in the world, not Iran. 
We must keep in mind, it was sanctions that forced Japan to attack Pearl Harbor, plunging the U.S. into WW2. 
The neocons who surround Trump failed miserably in Venezuela last week, so this week it is war with Iran. 

Image result for venezuela false flag

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