Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Unmasking Karl Marx

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The Illuminati has many different spots.

Adam Weishaupt founded the illuminati on 1 May 1776

The Illuminati was forced into hiding in 1786.

In 1798 the Illuminati leads the French Revolution under the name of the Jacobins.

Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818.

The Illuminati morphed into The League of Outlaws.

The League of the Outlaws morphed into The League of the Just in 1836 led by William Wetling.

In 1847 The League of the Just commissioned Marx and Engels to write the Communist Manifesto and it was published in 1848 in preparation for the Illuminati revolutions scheduled to begin in Feb. 1848. It was intended as a revolutionary recruiting tool. Hence the revolutions of 1848 were not spontaneous uprisings by the down trodden as many historians tell us. The original Communist Manifesto did not have Marx and Engels name on it and their names were added to hide the Illuminati’s ties to Communism.
In 1847 the Illuminati forms the Communist League

In Feb. 1848 the pre-planned revolutions began in Europe led by the Illuminati under the name of the Carbonari.

The Communist League morphs into the First Internationale which later morphs into Socialist Internationale

The Illuminati fomented World War 1 and the Illuminati Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1918.

Today the Illuminati sponsored  Communists are called “Progressives”.

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