Thursday, February 14, 2019

Sorcery Via Satan Will Give One Power, Fame and Money; Колдовство через сатану даст одну силу, славу и деньги Koldovstvo cherez satanu dast odnu silu, slavu i den'gi

Image result for Brady's witch

Friends, we have truly become cultural Babylon. God and His Bible expressly warn against participating in witchcraft and sorcery. You recall that satan offered Yeshua the entire world if Yeshua would bow down to him. If satan offered Yeshua that, he can offer you anything in this world.
You will hear the radio announcer call Rick Wiles insane. The Bible says in the end times the world will be full of scoffers. Also now we are seeing the term Greatest of all Time, (GOAT) creep into our culture an indirect reference to the goat's head and Baphomet.
Pretty soon we will be rolling out the "Golden Calf"!

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