Friday, February 1, 2019

Did The Polar Vortex Look Like A Baby In The Womb?

Image result for polar vortex 2019

READER COMMENT: Dear friends, 

This morning I called two state senators and Governor Cuomo about the abortion bill that was passed in New York state.  When I called the Governor, a woman answered, and at one point, I asked her name, (Melanie), all the while calmly saying I wanted a message given to Governor Cuomo concerning abortion, and ending it in this state. I also explained the Gospel, all of which she listened to patiently without any interruption.  I thanked her and asked her if she had gotten a lot of nasty calls to which she said yes. I explained how people are probably so fed up and unfortunately blaming her, when she is only answering the phone, to which she admitted was the case.  I told her that sometimes in people's zeal they are unable to speak the truth in love, and that as Christ followers, this is our highest calling, especially to someone who is only answering the phone to relay a message. 

If you are interested in having a voice for the just born, (and unborn), here is Govenor Cuomo's number: 518 474 8390, and you can leave a voice message or wait to be heard directly.  May God raise up the church to be a voice for the unborn and forgive us for being silent for so long concerning this silent holocaust.  God bless you!  Maranatha!  Gwyne  

P.S. If you are interested,  I also wrote an email to Governor Cuomo, and here it is with his contact info: 

To the Honorable Governor Cuomo, I urge you, I beg you to be reconciled with God, through Jesus Christ, who is God, and Savior, and to please reconsider this bill that was passed against the born children who have no voice.  Why was there not sadness for such a bill's actual meaning, showing a heart for the baby and the mother in such dire straits, but instead there was a celebration,  exposing heartlessness for these born children, whether they are unhealthy or not, leading easily one to think of barbarism taking place in our midst.  May God see in you a heart change soon, for I fear that your soul is now in dire straits. You have been placed in a high office, and to whom much is given, much is required as the Lord Jesus Christ spoke.  Please consider your soul and please change your mind towards abortion... Dear Lord Jesus, I pray that Governor Cuomo will have a change of heart towards the unborn, and repent with deep remorse, so that he will please You and not men.  Please cause Governor Cuomo to turn to You as His Lord and Savior, because all have sinned and all have need of being born again, to be born from above, to receive the right to become Your child, to be forgiven, to receive eternal life,  and I know You care for his soul.  So may Governor Cuomo care for his soul and as a leader of others, become an example of following You and Your ways, to be a blessing to his state of New York and to all citizens of the USA, to bring blessings to his state and not cursings.  In Jesus' name, I pray for his eyes to receive sight. Amen. God bless you with knowing Him and Salvation through Jesus Christ, for there is no other name given unto men by which we must be saved!  Sincerely with much hope and prayer for you. G……....(If you prefer email:

CNN - having eyes, they see not!

Thus saith the Lord; for three transgressions of the children of Ammon, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; Because they have ripped up the women with child of Gilead, that they may enlarge their border.  Amos 1:13

God is not mocked. Who controls the weather?  The Bible says GOD uses the weather as CORRECTION. Job 37:9-13, war.  God also uses severe weather as a sign to call a nation to repentance for the NATIONAL sin of abortion because they are making money by aborting babies for the purpose of selling and using human embryonic fetal cells in products as food additives, Pepsi Cola, makeup, etc.

Perhaps this is why the freezing weather is over the many states that are pushing to legislate full term abortions on demand, Canada, New York, Vermont, Rhode Island and Virginia to name a few.  

Florida has a bill that will ban abortion at FIRST sound of the heartbeat.

Cathy "baby killer" Tran of Virginia introduced an infanticide bill in the legislature and they followed that proposal up with a bill to protect the "fall cankerworm catepiller". It seems to me insects are more important than human babies. 

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