Wednesday, January 30, 2019

These Pictures Speak For Themselves; Queste immagini parlano da sole

Planned Parenthood spent $30 million to help the Democrats win back the house Yet we still give them $500 million in taxpayer funding each year If they have that kind of cash and engage in that blatant partisan activity, why am I forced to fund them with my money?

When the partial government shutdown ended I visited the Smithsonian and saw RBG stuffed next to the Wooly Mammoth! 
RBG is a talking exhibit and was entitled "The Jewish Hitler, she killed millions of American babies mainly black babies without using ovens! RBG killed so many black and Jewish babies that Hitler designated her a honorary Aryan!"

 A sign said the RBG exhibit was being moved to the Supreme Court of the United States. It will be on loan for the next 6 years!

Friends, I think it is high time we start calling out the abortionists for what they really are: eugenicist baby killers. Margaret Sanger, the Nazi, would be very proud of RBG 

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Image result for rbg dead meme

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Image result for rbg dead meme

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