Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Radical Truth About Tim Kaine

Image result for Tim Kaine in Honduras

Above, Kaine gives the communist salute.

According to the New York Times, Kaine’s time in Honduras profoundly shaped his political career. 
For example, did you know that Kaine travelled on foot for several hours to spend a ‘memorable’ evening with a radical Marxist ex-Jesuit who was calling for armed revolution? And that this priest was later killed while invading Honduras alongside Soviet-backed guerilla fighters? 

And did you know Kaine has stayed in contact with, and recently met and praised, the protégé of this priest, who today is calling for the forced redistribution of all land in Latin America within the next 5 years? 

In his campaign speeches and on social media, Kaine has called his time in Honduras “the turning point” of his life. But central to his time in Honduras was his embrace of “Liberation Theology,” then an explicitly Marxist political ideology cloaked in Catholic teaching that was planted in South America for the purpose of stirring up the poor to violence against their government. 

At the time, this was a theology radically at odds with the Church and condemned by the Vatican, Pope John Paul II, and political leaders in the United States. The Marxist elements of the theology are still condemned by the Church today. 

Liberation Theology Used By Soviets to Manipulate Poor 

During the Cold War, however, this new theology did have the support of the Soviet Union. Scholars of the period have written that Soviets and the Stasi in East Germany created Liberation Theology to undermine the Church and advance the Soviet cause against the United States. 

The highest ranking defector from the Soviet Union, General Ion Pacepa, wrote that the Soviets believed Latin Americans could be made to embrace Communism “through the judicious manipulation of religion.”  

In Honduras, the phony Marxist-tinged theology was planted to manipulate poor Catholics, instigate terrorism, and stir up a violent revolution in Honduras -- then the key ally of the United States opposing Communism in the region.

As you know, the American Conservative Union has been conducting the Ratings of Congress for five decades.  Consequently, we have lifetime ratings for 18 VP nominees for half a century.  Conservatives will be pleased to know that Mike Pence is the most conservative nominee the country has seen in 50 years (99% alignment with ACU).  Americans will be stunned, however, to learn that the single most Left Wing VP nominee in our lifetime is Tim Kaine, the only nominee with a perfect 0% lifetime rating.  That puts him to the left of Senator Barack Obama (10%), Senator Hillary Clinton (8%) and Senator Bernie Sanders (6%).  Out of 100 Senators and 435 House Members, that makes Tim Kaine the single most radical in ALL OF CONGRESS!

Hillary has picked a wolf in sheep’s clothing who is fully committed to continuing Barack Obama’s fundamental transformation of America.  Please pass this on so Americans know the truth about Tim Kaine.  Below is the list of 18 VP nominees going back to Hubert Humphey.  Kaine must NOT be elected.

VP Nominee   ACU Rating
Mike Pence     99.0
Dick Cheney   90.8
Jack Kemp      88.8
Paul Ryan       88.6
Bob Dole         82.4
Dan Quayle     80.3
Gerald Ford     64.0
Lloyd Bentsen 40.5
Joe Lieberman 15.1
Al Gore           14.6
Eagleton          12.9
Joe Biden        12.4
John Edwards  12.2
Geraldine Ferraro 8.3
Edmund Muskie 6.4
Hubert Humphrey 5.0
Walter Mondale 3.7

Tim Kaine       0

Image result for Tim Kaine in Honduras

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