Wednesday, October 26, 2016

BREAKING: Hillary Bribed Top FBI Agent!

Image result for Andrew McCabe
If this story proves to be true, then this is one of the worst crimes a person running for President in the US has EVER been convicted of.

Hillary Clinton was just proven beyond any doubt to have been directly involved with the bribing and promoting of a top FBI agent during her own email trial.

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, one of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s most consistent backers, donated nearly $500,000 to the Virginia state Senate campaign of a candidate (Dr. Jill McCabe) who is married to the FBI’s deputy director.Daily Mail
McCabe’s husband, Andrew McCabe, pictured above, was the associate deputy of the FBI’s Washington field office, which was tasked with investigating Hillary’s emails.
This is where it gets really interesting. Sometime between the donation being made and the beginning of Clinton’s email investigation, McCabe was promoted to the Deputy Director of that office, giving him full control of the Clinton investigation.
McCabe then declared that Hillary Clinton had done nothing wrong and Bill Clinton didn’t commit a crime by meeting with Loretta Lynch because Bill was not officially under investigation.
Sounds a bit suspicious, doesn’t it? Luckily McCabe was too stupid to cover his own tracks, and accidentally helped out Hillary’s crimes! Click the link below.

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