Friday, September 30, 2016

Elul 29 - Day of Nullification - U.S. Cuts Off Diplomacy With Russia Over Syria

Image result for elul 29 2016

Friends and patriots,

the Jubilee ends this weekend and consider what is occurring:
1. We are on the verge of war with a nuclear super power - Russia. Click the video link below.
2. The Chinese Yuan is added to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) tomorrow 1 October!
3.Elul 29 occurs on October 2, 2016 It is the date when the old world ends!!!!! I
Elul 29, is the Day of Nullification, when all debt and credit are wiped away. The U.S. stock and world markets have been largely expanding for several years. So I would not be surprised to see a sudden destabilization of the global financial realm.
4. The globalists and Illuminati like to begin crises on weekends when "John Q Public" is not alert. Indeed, in the U.S. weekends in October are dominated by college and pro football.  
5. The Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashana, is from sunset October 2 to sunset October 3.
6. Yom Kippur, the day of atonment is from sunset October 11 to sunset October 12th. Yeshua paid for our atonement in full with his shed blood.
7. The Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot, is from October 16, 2016 to October 23, 2016.  The Fall Festival season, were all observed by Yeshua/Jesus and the first-century 
Church. The Fall Festival season is capped by the seven-day Festival of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day (Leviticus 23:33-36).
8. The 8th day is from sunset October 23 to sunset October 24th. 
9. We should not box almighty God into these specific dates, we cannot, as humans completely fathom his almighty power or realm. So something could happen outside these dates. However, it does seem to me God/Yeshua is putting his foot on the accelerator.

The Hebrew calendar is based on the lunar cycle.  The first evening the new moon of each cycle can be observed in the sky denotes the beginning of a new month on the Hebrew calendar.  According to the Bible, new moons are also cause for celebration.

Image result for elul 29 2016

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