Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Does Killary Have The Temperment To Be President?

Hillary tantrum smaller
We’ve all heard stories of Hillary’s rampages.  I would certainly never want to be the object of one of her psychotic episodes.  I almost feel sorry for her staff.
Christina Reynolds, Deputy Communications Director for the Clinton campaign, and Donna Brazile, chair of the campaign, received scathing rebukes from Hillary after Matt Lauer went “Rogue” on her.
According to inside sources, after the town hall with Matt, Hillary went ballistic, throwing a huge tantrum, with personal calls to Comcast executives, the parent company of NBC Universal.  I guess they got the message with all of the ridiculous headlines to follow over the next couple of days.
Here are a few exerts from some news sources this morning:

 From NyMag.com:

I had not taken seriously the possibility that Donald Trump could win the presidency until I saw Matt Lauer host an hour-long interview with the two major-party candidates. Lauer’s performance was not merely a failure, it was horrifying and shocking. The shock, for me, was the realization that most Americans inhabit a very different news environment than professional journalists. I not only consume a lot of news, since it’s my job, I also tend to focus on elite print-news sources. Most voters, and all the more so undecided voters, subsist on a news diet supplied by the likes of Matt Lauer. And the reality transmitted to them from Lauer matches the reality of the polls, which is a world in which Clinton and Trump are equivalently flawed.
Lauer focused a third of his questioning time on Clinton’s private email server. Her decision to follow Colin Powell’s advice is a legitimate blot on her record.

 From Yahoo:

“Matt Lauer Criticized After Moderating Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s Commander-in-Chief Forum
Matt Lauer is facing major backlash following his moderation of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s Commander-in-Chief Forum — see why people are upset
Matt Lauer is facing major backlash following his moderation of Hillary Clinton andDonald Trump’s Commander-in-Chief Forum on Wednesday, September 7.
As viewers witnessed during Wednesday night’s broadcast, Lauer, 58 — who was granted only 30 minutes with each presidential candidate — devoted a good portion of his time with Clinton, 68, to questioning her about sending confidential information over a private email server while she was serving as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. (After an investigation was completed in July, the FBI recommended no charges be brought against the Democratic nominee.)”

And Politico‘s headlines read:  “Liberals Lash Out at Lauer, NBC“.  It seems to me, no one is “lashing out” but Hillary.
Hillary’s meltdown included throwing a water glass at a staffer- narrowly missing her head, and demanding Matt Lauer be fired!  She was overheard threatening executives at NBC saying “If I lose, we all go down and that Fascist Fuck will have us swinging from nooses! What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?”
It is reported Hillary then screamed at everyone for close to an hour and staffers felt like she was having a “Hitler-like rage down”.
Calls were made to New York Times, Washington Post and Huffington post and Twitter executives with orders to “Crush Matt Lauer”.  As you can easily see with all the headlines from these puppet MSM sources, they are completely bought and paid for.
 Hillary also screamed that she wanted Matt taken off the October debate…  Let’s see if that command is met.  My bet is that it will be.
Staffers at HRC campaign report that they scared of her, and one described Hillary as “an out of control psychopath”.
Since Hillary does not allow any staff to have cell phones when she is there, no footage is available, but Hillary is in full frenzy now.  She has made it clear that she wants Matt Lauer to be “persona non grata for the rest of his days on earth“.  
Donna Brazile was singled out by Hillary during the rant.  Donna was told “You stare at the wall like a brain dead buffalo, while letting fucking Lauer get away with this betrayal?  Get the fuck to work janitoring this mess- do I make myself clear???”
After the one-hour tirade, Hillary needed to rest in a dark room, with a compress to her head Awww.  Poor Hillary.  I wonder if Huma had to sing her a lullaby


Above, is a hacked Democratic email that calls voters in Pennsylvania and Ohio STUPID!!!! We DEPLORABLES need to add that to our basket. By the way, today I am being a sexist.  

Eric Bonner, a military K9 handler, posted the following on his Facebook page. His comments have gone viral. His military working dog, “Suli,” sniffs for bombs. 

"I’m not voting for Clinton. It has nothing to do with her views. It really doesn’t even matter about all the laws she broke. It’s because she actually talked to me once! Almost a sentence.

Being a K9 handler in the military, I got to do a few details involving distinguished visitors... mostly Generals, DOD officials and Secretaries of Defense. I was lucky enough to pull two awesome details... Presidents George W. Bush and Obama.

GWB looked at me and smiled, then he said, “Man, who would piss you off?” Then he high-fived me and continued on. I was climbing down from a catwalk I had stood on for 4 hours with nothing but dust and a radio to keep me company. The radio died early on. It was pretty sweet.

Barack Obama, as he was walking out to his plane in Turkey, said to me, “What the hell kind of dog is that?” in reference to Suli.

One of my last details was for Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. She was in Turkey for whatever reason. I helped with bomb sweeps of her DV Quarters and staff vehicles. Her only words to me were, “Get that f---ing dog away from me!” Then she turned to her security detail and berated them up and down about why that dog was in her quarters. For the next 20 minutes while I sat there waiting to be released, she laid into them, slamming the door in their faces when she was done. The security detail lead guy walked over to apologize and released me. I apologized to him for getting him in trouble. His reply was,

“Happens every day, brother!”

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