Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Is God Taking Away Hillary's Voice?

Image result for Ephesians 6:12

Friends and Patriots,

I am pleased to announce that my readership has reached 195K worldwide. As the Arab Christians say, Illa Yeshua!

We are engaged in a spiritual war, it is the heart and soul of my blog. Do you have your entire armor on today?

In the satanic movie “The Devil’s Advocate” a man named Phillipe Moyez is a voodoo believer and practitioner who sacrifices animals contrary to the New York City health code. Moyez is charged with a health code violation and prior to going to court Moyez drives nails into the tongue of a dead animal. During the court proceedings the prosecutor has a severe coughing attack and cannot talk and the judge admonishes the prosecutor. Subsequently, charges are dropped against Moyez.
Friends, it appears the same thing is happening to Hillary Clinton. Yesterday, in Cleveland Hillary had another severe coughing attack.
Now, this is just my personal opinion, and I have been saying this for a few weeks now. I think God is neutralizing Hillary.  I have noticed a pattern in this election; God has been isolating, neutralizing or removing Donald Trump’s opponents by one means or another.  Moreover, over their long political history, I believe Hillary and her husband have mocked God.
Now, I want to be careful about reading too much into this and playing God or trying to put God in a box from my lowly human perspective but these events around Donald seem to be very strange.
Then on Sunday in a black church in Detroit Bishop Jackson anointed Donald and covered him in a Jewish prayer shawl while the Shofar blew. Bishop Jackson also presented Donald with a Jewish (Messianic) Bible. I remarked to a friend as we watched the event in Detroit that Ronald Reagan, Ike, Kennedy and other presidential candidates never made such a speech or had a prayer shawl placed over them. Friends, something is going on here!
Also, as a side bar, keep an eye on Jesuit educated Tim Kaine, Hillary’s VP. If Hillary is forced to step down as a presidential candidate watch for Kaine and the Jesuits to play a nefarious role in the process. Keep, in mind, a few years ago the Jesuits took over the papacy with their first Jesuit Pope Francis, forcing the previous Pope to resign.

God Bless all and remember to vote, my friends and I fought in wars so you could vote, run the race to the end and do not tie your shoe strings too tight because I think I hear a carpenter hammering!

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Your Watchman on the Wall
Image result for Ephesians 6:12

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