Thursday, September 22, 2016

UPDATE to Russia Retaliates, The Watchman's answers to a reader's question about WMD Sept 23,16

Image result for U.S. secret command post near Aleppo, Syria

Questions for the Watchman on the Wall
Image result for Isaiah 17 prophecy

A man at Tri health is a professor of international finance with a doctorate.  He is a Muslim from the Middle East.  He told me last night that chemical weapons would be the excuse used to launch a nuclear strike.  What do you think?  What country would launch first?  I do not have the background of info that you do so I have no clue.  Thanks for all the new info.  God bless

thank you for your question..........let me answer you this way, First, I cannot believe how quickly events have moved in Syria since Russia went in last October. 

Second, I am uneasy peering into almighty God's realm and His course of action when it comes to Syria because literally anything could happen. 

Now here is what we do know the U.S. now has a premeditated "first strike" option and can drop nukes on anyone, anywhere at any time. The Neocons are behind this foreign policy decision and they hate Trump and probably would do anything to keep him out of the Oval Office.

ISIS has used chemical weapons in Iraq against one of our U.S. air bases. Chemical weapons have also been used in Syria. I think ISIS is capable of using weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against its perceived enemies. I don't think Assad would use WMD unless he was absolutely backed into a corner and facing death. I think the Russians do not want him using them because of the fear of a larger war.

Israel will respond with total force if WMD is used against any part of Israel, Such an event would provide the Israelis with the excuse to completely destroy Damascus and consequently get rid of Assad. However, what about Russian casualties in that situation? Woulfd the Russians sit idly by while their troops are killed?

What will happen if the two nuclear super powers, the U.S. and Russia continue to attack each other? Will the situation escalate out of control? There is a scene in the movie "The Hunt For Red October" where a U.S . aircraft carrier suffers damage and the captain of the aircraft carrier says "this is quickly spinning out of control." Events in Syria are spinning almost out of control.

The Russians negotiated a good faith cease fire in Syria with the U.S. and we spit in their face and attacked their troops. Obama and Kerry are Neocon disasters.When Obama was elected I told people Obama is going to get a lot of people killed in the Middle East and elsewhere. Unfortunately, my prediction has come true.

We are witnessing almost a full blown Sunni Shia war one one side is
Saudi Arabia
The Persian Gulf States
Yemeni Sunnis, a separate battle front

on the other side is
Palestinian elements
Yemeni Shia, this is a separate battle front

The Syrian military is moving towards the Golan Heights in order to wipe out ISIS terrorists in that region. Israel is very uneasy about the best Syrian division being near their border and in fact Israeli forward units have occupied the no man's land by their border with Syria. What if the Israelis and Syrians start shooting at each other? Will Hezbollah fire thousands upon thousands of missiles into Israel?

What happens if a Russian or U.S. ship is damaged or sunk in the eastern Med? Some U.S. citizens, Neocon leaders and Russians citizens will be calling for revenge. Do the Neocons and "establishment Republicans" want a false flag event to stop Trump from being elected? Possibly to very likely.

As you can see Rhonda, you have asked the $64,000.00 question and anything can happen except probably peace. There are other events, incidents or situations I haven't mentioned.Image result for Isaiah 17 prophecy

Above, a photo of part of Damascus; this situation is not good and is leading either to the Psalm 83 War where Israel fights its contiguous neighbors or the Ezekiel 38 War.

I do know this, something bad is coming and our redemption is drawing nigh; I thank Yeshua that I won't be here for the "Great Tribulation". 

I hope this helps.
God Bless Sister

al, your watchman on the wall 

Reportedly, the secret command center that Russia attacked in Aleppo directed ISIS and other terrorist attacks in Syria. At the 1:56 mark in the video below Steven ben Nun, a Messianic Jew, makes a mistake and says Saudi Arabia when he should have said Syria. Watch Steven's video below. Wars and rumors of war abound as the prophecies in the Bible reach fulfillment.

Friends pray about this crisis in Syria because our redemption draws nigh!

Image result for U.S. air bases in Iraq

Amir, a Christian, reports that ISIS launched a chemical attack on Qayyarah, a U.S. air base in Iraq. Both Steven ben Nunn and Amir believe we on the verge of the Ezekiel 38 war. Amir believes Syria has one the largest stockpile of chemical weapons in the world.  If Syria loses its Sarin, Mustard and VX chemical weapons to ISIS then Israel will completely destroy Damascus, thus we will have Isaiah 17s fulfillment. 

Watch his video below.

Image result for map of Syrian military base in Deir Ezzor

Amir talks about the collapse of the cease fire in Syria; the killing of 90 Syrian soldiers, 20 Iranian soldiers and 20 Russian commandos, Hezbollah and Palestinian Shia. This air attack by the U.S. allowed ISIS to gain the military advantage. This was a deliberate U.S. attack

President Assad speaks about the U.S. attack in the video below.
Is Daniel 11:44 being fulfilled?

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