Thursday, September 8, 2016

9-11 Criminals Part 1

Friends, all of the stories below should remind us that we are engaged in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12). My entire life changed after 9-11 and I have no regrets about that. Like many other people I lost friends and we lost true patriots in the aftermath of 9-11, friends and patriots who had wives and children in some cases. The people below will eventually be brought to justice by God but I pray that before that happens that they truly repent for what they did to innocent people. 

As we approach the 15th anniversary of the infamous attack of 9-11, 2001 America’s worst sneak attack since Pearl Harbor, it is important to realize who were some of the criminals involved in the 9-11 plot. Unfortunately, one of the plotters is very close to the Donald Trump campaign.

I think James Corbett should receive the Pulitzer for this reporting on 9-11 but since he won’t I will present him with the Watchman Report award for investigative journalism in 2016. James is a rare gem in today’s "lame stream presstitute" reporting and broadcast journalism. I pray that God continues to bless James and I pray that he keep up his excellent work. Click the links below.
Image result for Philip D. Zelikow

In January of 2003, just weeks after Luciferian Kissinger stepped down, it was quietly announced that Philip D. Zelikow would take on the role of executive director. As executive director, Zelikow picked "the areas of investigation, the briefing materials, the topics for hearings, the witnesses, and the lines of questioning for witnesses." In effect, this was the man in charge of running the investigation itself.

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Mayor Giuliani oversaw the illegal destruction of the 9/11 crime scene and is criminally liable for the deaths of hundreds of emergency workers for not passing on prior warnings he received that the Twin Towers were going to collapse.

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If the brave men and women who had rushed to the World Trade Center in the chaotic days after 9/11 to help with the search and rescue had done so knowing the risks they were facing, that would be a different story, like the story of the brave firemen who went into the Chernobyl reactor building. But of course they did not know the risks. They had been given false assurances by "establishment girl" Christine Todd Whitman, the EPA administrator who falsely assured the public just days into the clean up that the air was safe to breathe.

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