Friday, August 26, 2016

The Great Leader Illegally Gives Up The U.S. Internet

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Above, internet users; On Oct. 1, 2016, Or'bomber will give away control of the Internet to a multi-national body, despite Congress having passed laws forbidding him to do so.
Conservative lawyer and activist Phyllis Schlafly blasted the Obama’s complete disregard for the legislative process, saying it: “… could be the most dangerous use yet of Obama’s now-infamous pen.”
Congress has twice passed legislation to prevent the move, forbidding the National Telecommunications and Information Administration – or NTIA - from relinquishing their responsibility to oversee: “Internet domain name system functions, including responsibility with respect to the authoritative root zone file and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority functions.”
Despite this legislation, O'bombe has set Oct. 1 as the date the transfer will irrevocably take place.
In a letter to congressional leaders of both parties, a coalition of Internet experts and organizations have urged Congress to take immediate action and sue "The Great Leader"  to block the illegal transfer.
“If NTIA allows the contract to lapse, it will have violated federal law. 
“Suing to enforce the [law] and extending it through FY2017 are amply justified by the extraordinary importance of the constitutional principles at stake. 
“Members of both parties should be able to unite around defending the power of the purse, the most fundamental constitutional power of the American people’s elected representatives.”

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