Thursday, August 11, 2016

More On The Hanoi Songbird

Over the weekend, researcher Charles Johnson uncovered proof that McCain was a “Songbird” during his captivity in Vietnam. McCain made at least one propaganda audio recording that was broadcast by the communists of North Vietnam in an attempt to demoralize the tens of thousands of American solders still fighting for Vietnam’s freedom in the south. 

McCain was shot down over Hanoi in October 1967. In 1969 he made  a propaganda recording for the North Vietnamese.
Why is this important? Charles Johnson, founder of, a new media company dedicated to investigative journalism, explained his reasons on TRUNEWS, an internet stream cast run by host Rick Wiles.
With 2-1/2 weeks left before John McCain’s Republican primary challenge on Aug. 30 in Arizona, McCain leads challenger Kelli Ward in recent polling with a 50 to 29% lead.
Ward argues that McCain cannot win in the general election against his Democrat challenger: “After 33 years in Washington, John McCain has become the ultimate establishment insider and Hillary’s favorite Republican," Ward said. 

"It’s 2016, and the VA is still broken, and the borders are still open. That’s why he’s losing a reliably red state to a rubber-stamp Obama Democrat. 
“I’m the only Republican who can unite our party to win in November." Click the link below.

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