Sunday, July 3, 2016

Who Is Wacking The Banksters?

New information points to the fact that ex-Special Ops (SOFs) are assassinating elite level banksters, Why? Some believe the Luciferians (Illuminati and Elite) are killing the banksters because these bankster minions could turn state’s evidence in exchange for immunity from prosecution at some future date. In the final analysis, there is really not that much difference between how organized crime operates and how Wall Street carries out its business.

Those that believe that the banksters are killing their own to prevent future prosecutions, make a great deal of sense. However, they would be wrong! The banksters, who have effectively hijacked our government do not need protection from the very government in which they control virtually every aspect of power.
The banksters have, time and time again, committed egregious offenses against the American people and nobody goes to jail. Dyncorps and Wells Fargo Wachovia have been busted for child sex trafficking, paid a $400 million dollar fine, but nobody went to jail. MF Global stole over a billion dollars in secured investor accounts and nobody went to jail. The bail-outs were necessitated because Wall Street participated in the illegal ponzi scheme called “credit-swap derivatives”, and nobody went to jail. The MERS mortgage fraud has cheated millions out of maintaining ownership of their homes, hundreds of district attrsorneys are aware of this fact, and nobody has gone to jail. Goldman Sachs shorted stocks related to the airlines just prior to 9/11. They did the same with the Gulf Oil Explosion. And most recently, the thieves from Goldman Sachs shorted the price of gold and caused a massive dump of gold in April of 2013, just prior to the elite grabbing as much gold as they could as a hedge against the coming economic collapse. Also, don’t forget that for over a 100 years, the Federal Reserve has created counterfeit money out of thin air through fractional reserve banking and nobody has even been charged for an offense that would send the average American to prison for 20 years. The bottom line banksters are not killing each other to prevent prosecution from a system that they already control.

There is another disgruntled group who have a motive to kill banksters. There is a common thread which runs through the Obama purge of 300+ senior military officers. The way that a senior command officer gets fired from the Obama controlled American military is to question leadership decisions. According to confidential sources, the most common leadership decisions that are questioned by members of the military have to do with worthless and expensive weapons systems which are serving to weaken the military in comparison to its potential foes, namely, China and Russia. These weapons systems are of course funded by the banking elite along with the loans underwritten by the megabanks.

Operating on the notion that the elite bankers want to destroy America in order to usher in world government, it becomes easy to see why the American military, military contractors, private armies and black ops are under attack. Some people realize that Obama is the pawn of the banksters.
At the heart of Obama’s treasonous strategy to incrementally weaken the American military, the F-35 is at the heart of this dismantling of the American military as well as the destruction of the American military budget. The plane cannot climb and turn efficiently. It is a death trap for pilots who will be outmaneuvered by the faster and more efficient Russian and Chinese planes. The only winners in the F-35 controversy are Lockheed-Martin (the manufacturer of the F-35), the financial institutions underwriting the loans such as JP Morgan and the Chinese and Russian pilots that will shoot down these planes in a potential conflict. The military brass that dare to challenge one boondoggle after another (i.e. the expensive and inefficient F-22 which is now out of production), are shown the door. This systematic destruction of the American military extends to our nuclear weapons whose launch policies have been compromised. Furthermore, maintenance money has been woefully decimated by Obama. Additionally, our suicidal rules of engagement in combat zones have also been a point of consternation among the military. The latter ultimately led to the sacking of three Afghanistan theater commanders.
In short, Obama’s policies have weakened the American military and destroyed the futures of many American military officers and he is doing so at the behest of the banksters.
Who does Obama work for? He works for the Luciferian elite and the banksters who have hijacked our government.
Under Obama, our covert, elite and SOF military have been assassinated (i.e. Seal Team Six) and much of the effectiveness of these units has been compromised.
Many in the military contracting business have experienced betrayals as well. Contracts have been shifted and work has been reallocated. Many of the military contractors now have chip on their shoulder. These groups have coalesced to form a type of Viet Cong resistance force.
Last year Dave Hodges began to receive intelligence information from his best sources which stated that the disaffected three groups mentioned in this article (black ops, military contractors and much of the former military leadership) are conspiring to exact vengeance against a banking system viewed as an extreme threat to not only personal military careers but to the country as a whole.

Today, Hodges was told that these killings are going to accelerate. 

Does anyone feel that the opposing forces are on a collision course and it is not going to end well?

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