Thursday, July 28, 2016

Trump's Lead Increases

The USC Dornsife / LA Times Presidential daily tracking poll is out and although the rate of increase has reduced a bit, Donald Trump is still widened his lead during day 3 of the Democratic Convention.
Trump is now at 47.4% and Clinton is still declining at 40.1% - or a 7.3% lead for Trump. Both Trump and Clinton’s numbers are right on the edge of breaking out of the gray area – the 95% confidence area – which means the pollsters believe that should either Trump break above that gray area OR Clinton break below it, then the leading candidate will – with 95% confidence – be unstoppable. 
So far Hillary Clinton has not gotten convention bounce. If it doesn’t come tomorrow or Saturday she is in big trouble. Only Donald J.’s foot can stop him now. Click the link below.

It’s looking like Donald Trump is pushing Catholics into the Democratic party. Catholics who attend mass weekly, a group that slightly supported Mitt Romney in June 2012, have shifted 22 points leftward in June 2016, and now support Hillary Clinton in greater numbers than even Catholics who attend mass less than weekly.

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