Friday, July 15, 2016

Tomorrow Is The 7th Month, (1+6=7)16th Day, 16th Year (1+6=7) = 777


Satanists love to copy cat God, their leader Satan is the great counterfeiter, liar and deceiver; so for tomorrow they have stolen God's perfect number of 7.

Christine LaGarde spoke of the 7's in a speech 2 years ago which was non sensical until now.   Tomorrow is July 16, 2016  or  if you are a Satanist, like LaGrande, you might read it as 7-7-7. Click the link below. 

1  The Friday night is the night of rage for 37 cities in the U.S. and consider this on Friday there was an attempted coup d'etat to replace Erdogan in Turkey. See the photo below.

    Hillsong called for Christians to fill the Mall in Washington DC on July 16,16, one of the cities on the night of rage list. The Pope echoed Hillsong's call. This could be the reset of 2106. Your Watchman does not believe Hillsong is a true church and that the event tomorow is a true Christian event. If you look for together 2016 it will take you to reset 2016. Click the link

   Friends, this is some evil stuff in the two videos below.


Image result for Hillsong leader is photographed with Jay-Z making satanic sign

Image result for Hillsong leader is photographed with Jay-Z making satanic sign
3  Above,  Hillsong with Illuminati pyramids and other Hillsong photos;  friends, I believe Hillsong is a "New Age" Illuminati false church. A Hillsong leader is photographed with Jay-Z a known Satanist .  Below is a video by Tom Horn and Steve Quayle agree is the gates of hell.

4  Starting Saturday July 16th The Amplifield is hosting a 21-day ‘Consciousness Accelerator’ program, where each day thousands of people from across the globe will participate in a series of interactive, synchronized meditations. Again, I do not believe this a Christian event. 
We have curated a powerful 21-day journey with a core question in mind: can a technology like The Amplifield help generate a resonant field of human consciousness?  Can we experience greater love and connectivity by coming together this way?  Each day builds on the previous day’s synchronization, all leading to a Grand Finale on August 5th.
In Preparation:
part of the mission here is to help you deepen your connections within this community, and with our technology.  By uplifting the consciousness of our digital environments, which is the primary intention of The Amplifield, we can help up-level the consciousness of humanity.  Let’s do this!
Schedule of Events:
Daily synchronizations happen at 9:00am Pacific Standard Time:
1.    July 16: Open Heart
2.    July 17: Deep Recovery
3.    July 18: Theta Healing
4.    July 19: Purification
5.    July 20: Rejuvenation
6.    July 21: Ho’oponopono
7.    July 22: Energize
8.    July 23: Oneness Meditation
9.    July 24: Interconnected Body
10.  July 25: Serenity
11.   July 26: Curiosity
12.   July 27: Spark Creativity
13.   July 28: Vision Quest
14.   July 29: Bliss
15.   July 30: Focus
16.   July 31: Flow
17.   August 1: Joy
18.   August 2: Delta
19.   August 3: Resonance
20.   August 4: Solar Infusion
21.   August 5: Open Heart

This is gross, but this man, who I had not previously heard of, yet I found this on the web.  He talks about the call for Christians to come to Washington.   He also breaks down the video I PET GOAT II published before Francis came into office.  Very disturbing, yet the man who made it has not idea what it means. 

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