Sunday, July 17, 2016

Middle East News, Killary, There Is No Such Thing As Radical Jihad and Prophecy Update

Pastor J.D. explains how the recent failed coup in Turkey along with the Islamic State Terror attack in France is setting the world stage for the final curtain call. Click the link.

Above, the rat Ratney; Obama administration’s Department of Globalism destroyed emails about a secret campaign to defeat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during Israel’s last election in 2015, according to a U.S. Senate investigation.

The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations revealed last week in a massive report, evidence that the Obama administration provided $465,000 in grants to a leftist 501c3 nonprofit group, The OneVoice Movement which waged a clandestine campaign to smear and oust Netanyahu from office. Your Watchman previously reported on The OneVoice Movement and their effort against Netanyahu.
State Department Consul General in Jerusalem, Michael Ratney erased emails showing the linkage between the Obama administration and the group. 

According to the Senate report: “The State Department was unable to produce all documents … due to its failure to obtain complete email records of Michael Ratney, who served as U.S. Consul General in Jerusalem during the award and oversight of the OneVoice grants.”
State initially said they didn’t have any relevant emails to or from Ratney, however, investigators discovered a key email chain that OneVoice provided back to the committee.
Ratney has subsequently admitted to investigators that: “[at] times I deleted emails with attachments I didn’t need in order to maintain my inbox under the storage limit.”
Ratney stated that he: “did not know [he] was required to archive routine emails.”
Especially ones proving not only violations of State Dept. rules, but the Federal Records Act.

According to a report in the July 12, 2016 Washington Free Beacon:
“One source with intimate knowledge of the situation told the Free Beacon that the deletion of these emails is highly suspicious given the seriousness of the claims about the administration’s behavior.”
“The Obama administration had the money, skills, and personnel to build a gigantic campaign infrastructure that was used to try to defeat the prime minister of an ally.”

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